Only the usual left-wing accusations were answered: education and healthcare.

Government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos published a video on social media about the developments in healthcare and education in Hungary before and after 2010.

"What the left is doing is bogus," Eszter Vitályos wrote on his Facebook page He also attached a video to his post, in which he said, among other things:

During the administration of Ferenc Gyurcsány, the left closed and bankrupted hospitals.

In his video, the government spokesperson discussed health and education issues in the period before and after the 2010s. He wrote that "in the socialist period before 2010" the health sector

• "It was characterized by the withdrawal of money, approximately HUF 600 billion,

• privatization was typical, and they wanted to introduce the daily fee and the visit fee in the spirit of business,

• dozens of hospitals were closed,

• 3,000 doctors and 6,000 other health workers (mainly nurses) were fired, most of whom were forced to leave abroad,

• as a result of all this, the healthcare sector went bankrupt to such an extent that in 2008 the then government took a month's salary from the workers, and the hospitals were so indebted that later the Fidesz-KDNP government had to carry out a HUF 60 billion hospital consolidation."

On the other hand, according to the government spokesperson, in the period after the change of government:

• "In addition to state responsibility, the developments started,

• the national government currently spends two and a half times as much on healthcare,

• implemented more than HUF 500 billion in improvements in the health sector in the past period,

• 91 rural hospitals, 54 dispensaries, 107 ambulance stations renovated in recent years, and 23 new dispensaries and 41 new ambulance stations were created,

• more than 600 medical clinics could be built or renovated within the framework of the Hungarian Village Program,

• 1,706 settlements were able to acquire medical equipment from the amount of HUF 4.09 billion and 81 settlements were able to spend HUF 6.79 billion on the construction and renovation of medical service apartments,

• more than a thousand new ambulances entered service,

• carried out one of the largest wage increase programs of the past decades with the increase of doctors' wages, and also significantly increased the wages of nurses,

• Since 2017, the Healthy Budapest Program has included the development of 11 national institutes, 13 hospitals serving the capital and agglomerations, central hospitals and 32 specialist surgeries."

He also commented on education

Eszter Vitályos also listed what happened in the period before 2010 in relation to education. Among other things, that then the government:

• closed hundreds of schools,

• put 14,000 teachers on the streets,

• teachers working for low wages,

• tuition fees were introduced.

He also added that a total of 283 kindergartens were closed, 1,191 kindergarten teachers were fired, and 748 schools were closed by merging them into other institutions, thus ending local schools in 1,000 settlements.

In addition to all this, the price of textbooks was constantly raised. Kindergarten and daycare meals became chargeable.

- written by.

According to the government spokesperson, on the other hand, the government has carried out "such a volume of school development" in recent years, which "has not been seen in our country for decades", and in the last five years, 5,680 kindergarten and school developments have been started or completed.

Within the framework of the National Public Education Infrastructure Development Program, 220 projects are currently being implemented nationwide with domestic funds:

• 57 new schools,

• 87 new gymnasiums,

• 44 classroom investment development,

• Development and construction of 31 new schools and 1 kindergarten.

He also reported an "unprecedented wage increase" for teachers: this year, teachers' wages increased by 32.2 percent, and a 21 percent increase is expected next year, so their wages will almost double in four years.

He also highlighted that the government provided textbooks for students in public education and vocational training free of charge, thereby reducing the burden on the families of 1.2 million students. Free kindergarten and school meals also help many families.

The government spokesperson's video may be a reaction to the fact that in recent days, opposition politicians and experts have raised problems in the field of health care and education one after the other.

Featured image: MTI/Tamás Kovács