Nobel laureate physicist Ferenc Krausz received the Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen from the President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok on Tuesday in the Sándor Palace on the occasion of the August 20 public holiday.

At the prize-giving ceremony, Tamás Sulyok emphasized: We all look up to physicist Ferenc Krausz in Hungary with pride, the results of his long years of research were confirmed by the Nobel Prize in Physics.

The President of the Republic added: Ferenc Krausz and his colleagues put new tools into the hands of humanity, with which the movements and energy changes of the electrons that make up atoms could be investigated, and thus opened endless horizons.

The light beam with which Ferenc Krausz shines makes visible a hitherto completely unknown dimension. The discovery can save lives in medicine, renew many theorems of physics and chemistry, make other researchers rethink theories, and set the world in motion, he emphasized.

The head of state added: all of this could have happened because there was someone who kept up with international science with his persistent work and brilliant insights, and then at one point broke to the forefront and created something unique.

"His success is a worldwide success, and it lifts us, Hungarians, too"

Tamás Sulyok pointed out.

He reminded us: we know many Hungarians who have been elevated by their knowledge, talent and diligence, who have managed to overcome obstacles. With their creations and inventions, they became important to our country and to many, but only a few could reach the highest.

They are the ones who conquer the world in science, who take humanity forward, who bring glory to the Hungarian name. "Today we have honored such a person," he emphasized, adding: thanks to his achievements, we have moved forward in issues shaping the fate of humanity.

All this is accompanied by his love for his homeland, he remains a Hungarian abroad, he helps future Hungarian researchers and scientists and bears responsibility for Hungarian scientific life - the head of state praised Ferenc Krausz.

At the award ceremony, Ferenc Krausz thanked the prime minister and the Hungarian government for their trust and continuous support, thanks to which in recent years he managed to build a team in Hungary that is second to none in the world.

Ferenc Krausz said: the goal of the team is to lay the foundations for the preventive medicine of the future, so that they can create a health care system that works much more efficiently than today, not only in Hungary, but, they hope, in the whole world.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former head of state János Áder and his spouse, Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér and László Kövér, Speaker of the Parliament, also took part in the event.


Photo: Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ferenc Krausz (j2) after receiving the Order of St. Stephen of Hungary award from the President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok (b) on the occasion of the August 20 public holiday at the Sándor Palace on August 20, 2024.
MTI/Noémi Bruzák