After László Kiss was elected mayor of Óbuda in 2019, the local government concluded a contract with a company founded that year by Pál László Fischer, i.e. the business partner of Kiss's wife.

Before his election in 2019, László Kiss, mayor of Óbuda, signed a company court declaration in 2016, in which a III. as the owner of a district property, he provided Sight-Tech Hungary Kft. with the use of its headquarters, reports The company was also owned by Kiss's wife until 2022, alongside managing owner Pál László Fischer.

The paper also notes that after the election of Kiss, László Pál Fischer founded another company called RF Production Hungary Kft. in 2019, and then

the municipality led by Kiss signed contracts with this company for several million forints, while his wife remained a business partner with its owner.

The Central Investigative Prosecutor's Office (KNYF) also seized the contracts concluded by the Óbuda municipality with RF Production Hungary Kft. due to suspicion of corruption, which was also reported on the Óbuda website in July after the data requested by the prosecutor's office became public.

At that time, it was also revealed that HUF 11 million were spent on the production and display of three information boards in 2021 in the III. as part of the tourist development of the Aquincum section of the district's ancient Roman limes

– the Dog Party drew attention to this.

The investigators also seized the contracts of Green Bush Team Kft., which manages green areas, and is managed by Milán Raczkó. The owners of RF Production Hungary, Róbert Deák and Pál László Fischer, signed the declaration required for the use of the registered office as witnesses. László Pál Fischer was also the owner of Input Consulting Kft., which is currently under compulsory liquidation and also contracted with the Óbuda municipality.

The list of contracted companies also includes Pannon Park Forest Kft. - whose former owner was arrested in April -, Atlas Hill Kft. and Key Price Kft. The latter was represented by Gábor Patek, who worked for the municipality of Kispest and was allegedly the right-hand man of Mayor Péter Gajda.

Detention and corruption case

As is known, László Kiss, the mayor of Óbuda, was recently detained after a house search. The Central Investigative General Prosecutor's Office confirmed that it is the corruption case in Óbuda, in connection with which Gergő Czeglédy, deputy mayor of Óbuda's MSZP, was also detained.

László Kiss missed this like a glass pond falling backwards (video)

László Kiss has been in pre-trial detention ever since, however, his guilt can only be legally determined by the court after the criminal proceedings have been conducted. That way, you can stay in office for years and continue to receive your salary. According to Magyar Nemzet, another suspect involved in the corruption case was released from custody shortly before Kiss was taken into custody.

The defense lawyer of the mayor of Óbuda, Péter Zamecsnik, later announced that one of the suspects had entered into a plea deal in the district's corruption scandal. According to press information, László Kiss was allowed to testify not only by his colleague, but also by his friend and former university friend.

Featured image: László Kiss / Facebook