This year, the historical traditionists are celebrating a XVI. they also row along the Danube in a 19th-century ship. The horse pilgrimage organized on the occasion of the anniversary of the Battle of Mohács is starting for the eighth time, the Mohács Újság .

The hikers will arrive in Mohács on August 29, following the Érd-Ercsi-Dunaújváros-Dunaföldvár-Paks-Tolna-Szekszárd-Báta-Dunaszekcső route - that is, the former route of the Hungarian army going into battle in 1526.

During the journey, the participants will visit the memorial plaques that were erected between 1926 and 1928 at the initiative of the Military History Institute and Museum by the settlements where World War II took place. Lajos's army was once encamped, and commemorative ribbons are placed at commemorations.

The riding group leaves Érd on the 23rd. On August 29, they will arrive at the Mohács National Memorial, where they will pay tribute to our soldiers defending our country with a memorial ceremony.

It is possible for local riding groups, associations, or individuals to join the partial distances between the individual settlements.

It's special that this year the historical traditionists are building a XVI. they also row along the Danube in a 19th-century ship.

The boatmen will arrive on August 29 at 1 p.m. in Mohács at the Sokac-rév, where traditionalists on horseback will also parade to welcome them.

At the event, those interested can learn about the costumes of the time, as well as the life of sailors. The traditionalists will then march to the Mohács National Memorial, where the commemoration of the 498th anniversary of the Battle of Mohács will begin at 5 p.m.

Featured image: Illustration/Pixabay