The prime minister was on TikTok, which is mostly used by young people, where Gergely Karácsony just grabbed the podium, Ferenc Gyurcsány is not very popular, and Péter Magyar is lagging behind.

With the spread of TikTok, even the most popular domestic and foreign politicians do not avoid the platform most used by young people, in fact, they are apparently trying to produce content for TikTok with increasing vigor, Mandiner wrote . The portal examined how many followers Viktor Orbán and the best-known domestic opposition politicians have on TikTok.

It turned out that, based on the number of followers, the prize for first place went to Viktor Orbán, who has nearly 200,000 followers,

second place went to László Toroczkai, who has nearly 125,000 followers, while Gergely Karácsony, who has nearly 96,000 followers, earned the third place on TikTok. Péter Magyar is far behind even from Christmas, as 90 thousand people follow him on the platform, Ferenc Gyurcsány lags behind in this competition as well, because just over 20 thousand people are interested in the content shared by the fallen prime minister, who recently became completely silent on the platform.

Anna Donáth, the former president of Momentum, which defines itself as the party of young people, is only interested in nine thousand people.

Photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán takes a selfie with young people Source: Facebook