EP representative Balázs Győrffy got into a drunken argument with a lady last night, and the argument turned violent. Nothing has consequences on the left, but Fidesz does not associate with people who behave violently, especially women. Balázs Győrffy resigned from all his positions.

"Fidesz has clear rules and values. Anyone who violates them cannot be a member of our community! EP representative Balázs Győrffy got into a drunken argument with a lady last night, and the argument turned violent. There is no excuse for the behavior of Balázs Győrffy, who acts in such an irresponsible and unacceptable manner, he must leave our community immediately. We do not tolerate violence, especially not against women! Anyone who goes against our values ​​and rules has no place in our community"

- Fidesz wrote in its Facebook post this morning.

"I failed, and therefore I accept all responsibility and consequences. Last night I got into a drunken argument with a lady, and to my greatest regret, the argument escalated into a crime. What I did is unacceptable and unacceptable. I am terribly sorry for my actions" -

wrote on his social media site Balázs Győrffy , a politician who has since resigned from his mandate as an EP representative and from the position of president of the National Chamber of Agriculture.

"I would like to apologize to everyone, especially to those involved. I would like to apologize to my family, my supporters, my political community"

said the politician, adding that "In addition to the public responsibility for my actions, I will, of course, accept all legal consequences."

Cover photo: Balázs Győrffy's Facebook page