Where is our place? - Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó gave a lecture entitled Hungary's foreign policy scope in Tihany. 

Péter Szijjártó began his presentation by stating that foreign policy has become a conflict area.

"The Hungarian foreign policy strategy still has room for maneuver, and in fact, this room for maneuver is expanding"

- he declared, then added: "we still have a sovereign foreign policy."

He said: the world has become an even more dangerous place in one year. "The security situation on the European continent has seriously deteriorated," he declared. He cited the Russian-Ukrainian war as an example, as well as the fact that illegal migrants continue to besiege Europe's borders.

He also pointed out that a rarely analyzed "democracy deficit" has emerged on the continent.

"The democratic system is in a serious crisis"

he declared.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the crisis is due to the fact that the extreme liberals are striving for "dictatorial hegemony" and for this they are using the most selected tools: legal tools, stigmatization and economic tools. In addition to these, the danger of physical destruction appeared - said Péter Szijjártó, who cited the assassination attempt against Robert Fico as an example.

"Because it was against a conservative pro-peace prime minister, the level of outrage was muted," he said of the international reaction to the assassination attempt. "Anyone who refuses to fit into the liberal mainstream can even be destroyed," he added.

Sovereignty is in the crosshairs 

"There is a crude drive for uniformity in the trans-Atlantic world," he declared. The Minister of Foreign Affairs said: our task is to enforce Hungarian national interests in the world, and not to enforce the interests of the world in Hungary. According to him, this goes against the mainstream today.

The foreign policy of European countries is exhausted by following Brussels, he added. He called the current period the post-sovereign era: according to the ruling ideology, the time for the sovereignty of nations is over, and only extreme liberalism works.

"In this situation, you have to be brave, remain intellectually free, not accept the post-sovereign mask. It makes sense to persevere, it makes sense to fight to preserve sovereignty," said Péter Szijjártó.

He said: sovereignty is the only successful way and if sovereignty is lost, Hungary will lose everything in the long run.

According to him, this is not a political issue.

What challenges are coming?

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said: it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the security of Hungary will be attacked from four aspects. These four areas are: political, physical, energetic and economic security.

Péter Szijjártó said that one of Hungary's most significant resources is its unique political stability. This is threatened by the Brussels procedures.

Regarding physical security, he said: the Western allies are still trying to push the country into war.

He stated: "Hungary is the last obstacle to war psychosis."

According to him, the Hungarian peace mission showed an example that there is still a chance that the war could end at the negotiating table, and he noted that more and more people are sitting down to negotiate with both sides. He stated: in September and October, the pressure will increase for the government to give up the peace policy, because Europe is afraid that Trump may come back soon.

Regarding energy policy, he stated: Europe is a hypocrite, since India buys oil from the Russians and the EU from India. The Minister of Foreign Affairs called the explosion of the Nord Stream a terrorist attack, and added: if a state also participated in it, then it is state terrorism.

"The next period will also be tough, our sovereignty will continue to be attacked"

he declared. He then added: warding off all attacks increases the scope of Hungarian foreign policy.

Via Mandiner

Featured image: Péter Szijjártó/Facebook