Today, Alain Delon, the "little fascist", will be buried in his homeland.

Unfortunately, it also coincides with the fact that a few days ago was the anniversary of the assassination of Lev Trotsky, the "great figure of international communism" . Who did it? The fascists? Well, no, the communists, namely on the orders of Stalin, to the great joy of the newspaper of the French communists that still exists today. L'Humanité set out with great élan to vilify Trotsky and his associates, branding them nothing less than Hitler's Trotskyists.

Still, how does it come here now? So that eighty-four years later, they are the same, using the same methods, to spit on the now deceased French acting giant, whose sin was that he did not belong to the left. L'Humanité writes:

He was friends with the old Le Pen, made homophobic and sexist statements, defended the death penalty - this is the dark side of the actor who never hid his attachment to the right.

And the mayor of Gennevilliers, a communist apparatchik in the Paris suburbs, Patrice Leclerc, a tall KGB member, took stock of the greatest French actor, who is admired all over the world - because let's be honest, at least us men: who among us wouldn't have envied the handsome Delon, at whose feet lay the women?

Delon was a little fascist who made good cinema. Let's take a step back now, let's take a break, but let's not get caught up in undeserved praise.

The actor's entourage previously told the French news agency AFP that the funeral ceremony will be held behind closed doors in the private chapel of his estate in Douchy-Montcorbon, Loiret, purchased in 1971. Jean-Michel Di Falco, 82, the former bishop of Gap in southeastern France, whom the actor himself asked to the funeral, confirmed to CNews and BFMTV that the ceremony will be held today. In 2017, Jean-Michel Di Falco also said goodbye to actress Mireille Darc, who was Delon's partner for fifteen years and lived with her in Douchy. In an interview in 2018, the star of the film Cheetah spoke about his faith and confessed his feelings for the Virgin Mary. "She is the woman I love the most (…) and to whom I turn most often," he said at the time. Alain Delon had long wanted to be buried on his property, near his dogs, which required permission from the county administration. The family has already received permission for a home funeral. The French magazine Paris Match republished the photo taken in 2011, in which the actor is standing next to the tomb in which he wanted to be laid to rest, in the chapel that he himself had built on his property. “I am not at all afraid of death,” he said at the time. Alain Delon also asked that only a few relatives and friends be present at his funeral, he did not want a state funeral like the one his friend and rival, Jean-Paul Belmondo, another giant of the seventh art, was given in 2021. Alain Delon, the legendary figure of French cinema, died on August 18. His three children, Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien, were at his bedside. When announcing the news of his death, they also mentioned Loubo, the Malinois (Belgian shepherd) dog. "The dog will have a home and a family," actress Brigitte Bardot's animal protection foundation announced on Tuesday.

Leclerc would also have worked for a state prosecutor in Moscow. Such Stalinist scoundrels could work wonders during Stalin's purges. They are also incapable of distinguishing between an artist and a human being. Namely, because for some reason this is their mental attitude.

For my part, I can say, for example, that Louis Aragon (author of Kommunisták, A nagyhét, etc. in Hungarian) was a Stalinist scoundrel, a KGB lodger and a salon communist who was "very kind to small children" - well, all of this belongs to another page. At the same time, I admit that he was also a great and talented French poet. It doesn't even occur to me to erase it from the pages of our yearbooks.

However, these communists want to ban the works of all those who do not belong to the left, namely because of their views. So, for example, Louis-Ferdinand Céline (who by the way wrote his thesis on Ignác Semmelweis). His work can be disputed, but also because of his views, they want to make him something that never happened. Because, according to them, he "thought badly". They, on the other hand, think like the Taliban, they practice the dictatorship of thoughts, political correctness.

Alain Delon was simply too free for them. On the left, they don't like free-thinking people, for whom honesty is not an empty word, and they love their country, as Delon did.

Their favorites are such childish but committed artists as Omar Sy or Jamel Debbouze, who, to be fair, are not French, but live here and spend their time spitting on France and insulting the French, who they believe are their ancestors. they are egotistical and do not allow enough migrants into their country.

Alain Delon's youth turned out to be turbulent, and it did not always turn out to be the most glorious. At the same time, he was a great patriot, a free man - his death caused disgraceful reactions from the communists. That is also why they refuse to remember it with dignity, in the same way as they think we cannot talk about the Islamist takeover, for example.

Delon has his place among the greats of French cinema such as Jean Gabin, Louis de Funes or Jean-Louis Trintignant.

Of course, if he had been born in the 1990s, he would never have been able to run the track that he ended up running. Because the cinema mafia, which still controls the film world and art today, would have banned him with its censors.

Pierre Cassen is a French journalist, publicist for Riposte Laique

Hungarian Nation / News

Featured image: Frame from the movie Rocco and his brothers Photo: Wikimedia Commons