Baking is Good! The dreamer of the foundation, Alex Galamb, the Roma baker from Borsod, has taken a new direction: he will work as a vocational teacher at his former school, the Márton Agricultural and Surveying Vocational School in Debrecen.

He told us that he has already signed his contract, and what fills him with particular pride is that he himself was able to recruit 20 people for the adult training, who will study in the specialty of baker and confectioner.

Recently, Alex also received a great honor: this year he was also nominated for the Kopp–Skrabski award.

Every year, the Three Kings, Three Kings Movement awards those who work for families, small and large communities.

The award is also referred to as the Oscars of good people. It is very interesting in the story that I once told my wife what a recognition it would be if I could also receive a nomination. I am very happy that this dream of mine has come true

- declared Alex Galamb, who added that if he were to win, it would not be his prize, but that of the entire Roma community, to whom he can show that it is possible to succeed with a lot of study and work.

I would like to continue working to open a direct path to a valuable profession for Gypsy children by connecting the foundation and now the vocational school. This work will now be even more effective, since those at the Sütni jó alapitvány playfully learn how to make pastries, and if they are diligent, they can now join me in the classroom later and learn the trade

Alex pointed out.

The Kopp-Skrabski award has been announced since 2017 by the Three Kings, Three Kings Movement, the name comes from the married couple of doctor, psychologist Mária Kopp and sociologist Árpád Skrabski.

Most of the winners are people who are ordinary heroes in their field, who deserve to have their exemplary work recognized by the wider public. Of course, there are several well-known personalities among the award winners, such as Catholic priest Pál Feri, actors Eszter Nagy-Kálózy and Péter Rudolf, or Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy, the founder of Brain Bar. Their activity is also an example that it is possible to do constructive things for a healthier society.

Alex was nominated in the individual category and the winners will be decided by audience voting. You can vote until September 10 on the award's website by clicking here.

Colorful Countryside

Featured image: / János Ádám