"We had to wait a year, but the collaboration brought success!" 

Mayor Gergely Karácsony promised damaged depictions of the Holy Crown on Margaret Bridge, the Szent István Intézet announced in a statement to MTI on Monday.

"We had to wait a year, but the collaboration brought success!" they wrote.

The petition launched a week and a half ago at the initiative of the Szent István Institute, in cooperation with CitizenGO Hungary, reached its goal. Thanks to the nearly 16,000 signatories, mayor Gergely Karácsony wrote in his social media post on Saturday: "I condemn any effort that wants to mutilate public works by removing religious or civilizational symbols. That is why I ordered the immediate restoration of the crosses that were broken off from the depictions of the Holy Crown decorating the pillars of Margaret Bridge," they said.

"The success of our petition has shown that it makes sense to protect our values ​​as guardians with open eyes, that good-willed cooperation and a consistent stand for our national and Christian symbols have results!" 

they wrote.

It turned out: together we can protect our values, even if we have to wait an undeservedly long time for the result. "May this successful stand give all of us the strength to make our voices heard again if the need arises!" says the statement.

In a statement, the institute thanked "everyone who contributed with their signatures to the fact that the broken crosses, on our most sacred national symbols, can finally be placed in their place in the heart of the capital!"



Already twelve thousand are demanding that Karácsony restore the crosses on the stone crowns of Margaret Bridge