The moral foundation of Hungary is Christianity, the consistently maintained Christian teachings. There is no country and no society that could function without a moral foundation and order - emphasized the President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok in his speech at the ceremony on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the medieval renovation and consecration of the St. Martin's Basilica in Pannonhalm .

After the mass held on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the medieval reconstruction and consecration of the monastery church in Pannonhalma, built in honor of St. Martin, the head of state said: Pannonhalma still plays an important role in ensuring that Christianity remains in our country, that the future of our nation is secured, that the following generations keep the faith, their Christian Hungarian identity.

Pannonhalma is a place where the language of peace has been spoken for a thousand years, he said, adding that "the knowledge of this language" is urgently needed by the whole world today. Quarrels, judgements, hatred and war will only be suppressed where dialogue, respect and human dignity find a place, said the President of the Republic.

Tamás Sulyok emphasized that Pannonhalma was born at the same time as the Hungarian state, survived the storms of centuries, which showed that it was built on unshakable, rock-solid foundations.

He added: the history of the abbey was written together with the nation, while St. Martin's Hill became one of the prominent symbols of Hungary's Christianity.

The church, in which the founding king of our state also prayed, was visited by thousands of pilgrim groups, and the monastery was home to Benedictine monks, with short interruptions. It is also true for Eger and Pannonhalma that the strength of the walls is not in the stone, but in the defenders, said the head of state.

Tamás Sulyok emphasized that the unique heritage of Pannonhalma comes from the Benedictine monks, the faith in God that we try to follow, prayer, work, moderation and humility.

Saint Benedict consciously built a community, he was the first to set a model for the creation and operation of Western monastic orders, he said, adding that the order is a pillar of Christianity in Europe, and Benedict is the patron saint of Europe.

Loyalty to the Benedictine values ​​kept Pannonhalma and keeps it to this day, he said. On behalf of Hungary, Tamás Sulyok expressed his gratitude for Pannonhalma, "for the Benedictines who pray for our country and work for the youth, church and secular communities, for the teaching work with which they have raised patriotic, Christian and vital intellectuals for generations".

According to the President of the Republic, "the Benedictine order demands discipline, but gives freedom, works with precise, clear concepts, just like jurisprudence, and creates a transparent value system" . It provides foundations that help in a world that has often turned itself upside down.

This many centuries of construction work "raised, protected and renovated the basilica, it protected the truth of the invincibility of the house built on the rock," the head of state emphasized.

Pannonhalmi-Main Abbey

On August 27, 2024, on the day of the celebration organized by Pannonhalmi Abbey on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the medieval renovation and consecration of St. Martin's Basilica.
MTI/Zoltán Máthé

After the speech, the bronze patinated non-ferrous commemorative coin of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (NMB) named Bencés Főapátság of Pannonhalmi was presented.

The NMB issued this as the eleventh element of the series of commemorative coins presenting national memorial sites on August 28 to commemorate the rededication of the renovated basilica 800 years ago and the inauguration of the monastery as a national monument ten years ago.

Ten thousand of the commemorative medal with a face value of HUF 3,000 and a diameter of 37 millimeters will be produced. On one side of the obverse side of the coin is a detail of the charter of the main abbey, on the other side is a statue of Géza Stremeny depicting St. Mór Pannonhalmi. The building complex of the main abbey and its surroundings can be seen on the back.

Before the Mass, Tamás Sulyok presented the Commander's Cross (Civil Division) of the Hungarian Order of Merit to Abbot T. Cirill Hortobágyi in recognition of his service as a monk and monk-supervisor, who conveyed Christian values ​​in an exemplary manner, and for his educational and educational activities spanning more than three decades.

In his speech, the head of state emphasized that Abbot Cirill consciously accepts and bears responsibility, builds and serves the community. The work taking place at Pannonhalma serves the spiritual and spiritual development of all people, it is a resource for Hungary, and its existence is a celebration for the nation.

The festive mass was led by Zsolt Marton, Bishop of Vác County, Viliam Judák, Bishop of Niitra County, and Hortobágyi T. Cirill, Archbishop of Pannonhalm, the present-day successors of the bishops who performed the consecration in 1224.


Front page image: President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok gives a speech at the ceremony organized on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the medieval renovation and consecration of the Basilica of St. Martin of Pannonhalmi Archabbey in the basilica on August 27, 2024.
MTI/Zoltán Máthé