The artist died tragically suddenly on Monday evening.

Jászai Mari award-winning actor Győző Mihályi died on Monday at the age of seventy, the József Attila Theater informed MTI on Tuesday.

Győző Mihályi was a recognized artist of the company of the József Attila Theater for more than 20 years, and for many decades he was a board member and then president of the Theater Workers' Trade Union (SzíDoSz). The artist died tragically suddenly in the evening hours on Monday, read the theater's statement.

Győző Mihályi was born on August 19, 1954 in Tiszanáná. He graduated from the Academy of Theater and Film Arts in 1976 in the class of Miklós Szinetár, and then signed a contract with the Csiky Gergely Theater company in Kaposvár.

The artist has been a member of the József Katona Theater in Kecskemét since 1979, the National Theater in Miskolc since 1980, the Radnót Theater since 1988, the National Theater since 1989, the artistic director of the Nyitott Színház between 1992 and 1994, the Attila József Theater since 1991 He was a member of the theater. After that, he worked again as an artist of the National Theater from 1998 and of the Hungarian Theater of Pest from 2000.

His art has been recognized with several awards, in 1990 he received the Mari Jászai Award, in 2007 he was recognized as a worthy artist for his decades of outstanding acting work, in 2015 he received the Ferenc Bessenyei Art Award founded by the Hódmezővárás Municipality, and in 2024 the Hungarian Hollywood Council Paramount Premium.


Featured image: Photo: Facebook/Mihályi Győző