The affected area is located a few hundred meters from the center of Miskolc and from the Avasi viewpoint.

Most likely, passers-by saw a bear in Miskolc, on Avas, in the forest strip around the Horváth-tető playground on Thursday morning, the city's municipality informed.

The whistleblower reported a mother bear and a bobcat, and also took a photo,

on which a bear's track is believed to be visible - the announcement states. The municipality of Miskolc contacted the police immediately after the announcement, and Miskolc Municipal Police officers are patrolling the area more, they added.

As they wrote: everyone is asked to drive with extra caution and caution, especially in the evening, after dark, and to avoid the area if possible. If someone sees a large, bear-like animal, do not approach it and call 112! - reads the statement. The affected area is located a few hundred meters from the center of Miskolc and from the Avasi viewpoint.


Cover image: Illustration / Pixabay