Everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, is welcome to the events, all those who want to revive or expand their biblical knowledge; but also those who do not claim to belong to a church and have never participated in a similar program, but are interested in the Bible and would like to better understand the message of each book.

The Békéscsaba Congregation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Adventist Theological College are organizing the Bible Free University in the city for the third time under the title The Bible in European Culture. beol.hu reported .

Regarding the series of events, the pastor of the Békéscsaba Congregation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church said that this fall, the third semester of the Biblical Free University will start in the county seat. Csaba Simon emphasized that

from September 4 to December 11, on Wednesdays from 6 p.m., those interested can listen to a total of 14 performances in the Ificasino hall of the Csabagyöngye Cultural Center.

The pastor explained: In Békéscsabán, the first semester of the free university started a year ago, and then the program continued in the spring, when the lectures were about the books of the Old Testament. As he said, everyone is welcome to the events regardless of religious affiliation, all those who want to revive or expand their biblical knowledge; but also those who do not claim to belong to a church and have never participated in a similar program, but are interested in the Bible and would like to better understand the message of each book. Csaba Simon noted that

the presentations provide a historical, literary, and theological overview of certain parts of the Bible, and spiritual messages from all books, gospels, and letters are also highlighted, so the occasions are not only about dry facts.

Regarding the program of the semester, he informed that this time the lecturers of the Adventist Theological College and the theologians who graduated from the institution will hold lectures on the New Testament for those interested: until the middle of October, the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles will be discussed, and after that, the letters of the Apostle Paul until December. The approx. at the end of the one-hour sessions, participants can ask their questions to the speakers, and they can also choose from Bibles, books on biblical topics, books related to marriage and physical and mental health, and books for children.

The church that proclaims the imminent return of Jesus and has been present in Békéscsaba for about 120 years tries to get to know the message of the Bible in the deepest way, which according to the Adventists is actually God's message to us about how we can live a full life.

By the way, the local church has already held several charity concerts, most recently one and a half million forints were collected for the Gyula hospital's oncology department thanks to the students.

Participation in the Bible Free University does not require registration, admission is free. Additional information about the events is available at the bekescsaba@adventista.hu or the phone number +36306788880.

Photo: beol.hu