Although the opposition media regularly rant to the contrary, according to statistics, the situation in Hungary has been better than the European Union average in terms of the poverty rate for years. 

The situation is so much better that the lowest value was measured in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and our country - wrote Magyar Nemzet based on the analysis of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), which also reveals that

the value of the indicator increased after 2010 and then decreased year by year from 2015.

The latest summary states that in 2022, 12.1 percent of the population lived below the poverty line, which represents a decrease of 0.5 percentage points compared to 2021. The value of the poverty rate in our country is the second lowest (equal to Slovenia) in the EU. The gender gap in our country was higher than the average of the member states, 11.6 percent of men and 12.6 percent of women were considered income poor in 2022. The proportion of people living in long-term poverty decreased from 4.9 to 4.4 percent compared to 2021. Looking at the age groups, the poverty rate of those over fifty significantly exceeded the average. The largest proportion of people living in poverty is found between the ages of 50 and 64. The poverty rate of people aged 65 and over fell from 15.4 to 13.4 percent in one year - Magyar Nemzet reported the figures of the National Statistics Office.

What is the situation in other EU countries?

In the European Union in 2022, 16.5 percent of the population lived below the relative income poverty threshold. The poverty rate was fairly stable between 2005 and 2010, at 16.4 and 16.5 percent respectively, but has increased slightly since 2011. According to the KSH, Bulgaria (22.9 percent), Estonia (22.8) and Latvia (22.5) were in the most unfavorable position among the European Union countries in terms of poverty in 2022. The lowest value was measured in the Czech Republic (10.2), Slovenia (12.1) and Hungary (12.1).

Graphic: Magyar Nemzet / Source: KSH