The pastor and leader of the evangelical organization that helps the homeless can be sentenced to up to two years in prison.

In Canada, a court found a pastor guilty of harassment for protesting drag queen fairy tales held in a city library. Pastor Derek Reimer was also found guilty of breaching his bail conditions, which prohibited him from protesting at any LGBTQ events.

By the way, the supporters of one of the drag queens literally threw Reimer out of one of the events, but they were not held responsible. However, the pastor is, because he was previously banned from entering any LGBTQ event, reports The Post Millenial news portal.

Drag queen story hours are events where so-called drag queens read stories to children. Drag queens are people, usually men, dressed in extreme women's clothing with striking make-up, essentially transvestite performers.

“A judge today found me guilty of felony harassment for voicing my objection to a drag queen story hour to a library director who organized the event. Because I posted the video of our interaction on Facebook and said that we will come back (to protest) if the event continues”

Reimer told LifeSiteNews .

By the way, Reimer is a pastor and leader of an evangelical organization that helps the homeless, and now he could be sentenced to up to two years in prison.

He has been arrested several times in the past for fighting the LGBTQ lobby, and once his van was defaced with anti-Christian messages and Satanist symbols.

Source: V4NA

Cover photo: Facebook