We grew up in this exact way, in this obligatory similar thinking, and even then we hated it terribly. But at least we understand.

The ambassador of the Association of American Socialist Republics in Budapest, Comrade David Pressman, has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction, because Hungary thinks differently about Ukraine and the war than the directives and guidelines of the Association of American Socialist Republics. Comrade Pressman explained:

"Viktor Orbán's peace mission in Moscow was just a performance, and he is not sure that others will follow Orbán in this.

In his opinion, Orbán is not the harbinger of peace, but of reconciliation, as it is also clear to him that the war could end as soon as tomorrow, depending on Putin's decision.

Appeasement is the term that was previously used to appease Nazi Germany. Pressman emphasized that Hungary is an ally of the United States and a member of NATO. It is therefore imperative that the two countries think alike on the serious issues they face as allies, such as Putin's invasion of Ukraine."

We grew up in this exact way, in this obligatory similar thinking, and even then we hated it terribly. But at least we understand.

And why exactly do we have to think the same as what our cute little "ally" thinks? For example, this is why:

"Ukraine does not wish to extend the agreement with Gazprom on the delivery of Russian natural gas to Europe," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced Zerkalo Nyegeli's coverage. The current contract expires in December, the pipelines are exported to Austria, Slovakia and Hungary.

We didn't have to wait long for the Russian reaction: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized that although there are alternative routes, for example via Turkey, Kiev's decision will still cause serious damage to European consumers.

They will have to pay more for energy and this will further weaken the competitiveness of their industries. Europe should pay even more for US liquefied natural gas, but the Ukrainians know this exactly

Peskov pointed out. The Hungarian government is trying to guarantee the country's energy security with a number of solutions, but the European Commission is threatening punishment instead of support . "

We know this exactly.

The full article can be read HERE