Are we happy, Vincent?

According to the high school, it is about intellectual challenge and openness. According to others, it is about politics.

Magyar Nemzet writes about compulsory Arabic classes being introduced in a Belgian high school. Senior high school students at Heilige-Drievuldigheidscollege (Trinity College Preparatory School) in Leuven, Belgium, are required to study Arabic. The director of the institution said that their aim was to present the students with an intellectual challenge with a language that does not belong to the Indo-European language family.

However, according to critics of compulsory Arabic lessons

the move is a result of mass migration and possibly the Islamization of schools.

Belgian education has declined in recent years, and Flemish education has fallen behind in the international PISA rankings in terms of both language and mathematical skills, the Brussels Signal news portal reminds. As they write, in connection with the mandatory Arabic classes, several people on social media noted that there are many variants and dialects of the Arabic language and believed that the decision was made for political reasons. According to some

teaching a language such as Chinese would make more sense, especially from an economic, scientific and cultural point of view.

Politicians from the right-wing Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interests) party, which opposes mass migration, also spoke out: "Is the Arabic language compulsory in school because it is 'socially useful'?" asked party chairman Tom Van Grieken and added:

"Proficient knowledge of the Dutch language and high-quality elementary math skills are socially useful. The Arabic language is not. Let's stop the self-hatred in our education system!”

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