Whatever the government decides, the PDSZ will issue a statement in a chirpy tone that this is not good, everything should be as they say.

I have been monitoring the public activities of the Democratic Union of Teachers for years, and

I'm starting to think more and more that he doesn't have any other activities besides the public one.

There is no need to look for evil conspirators in their ranks (how many ranks are worth thinking about, I will come back to that later) who are trying to destroy Hungary, oh my goodness... come on!

It is simply that, whenever possible, the PDSZ wants to appear to justify its existence to the outside world.

Whatever the government decides, the PDSZ will issue a statement in a chirpy tone that this is not good, everything should be as they say.

And this is usually set up in such a way that they represent the interests of the profession and the students.

Now, a teacher's union will never primarily represent the interests of the students, but those of its members (and the two are not necessarily the same), but there is nothing wrong with that, this is the mission of such unions, and the teacher also deserves to be supported speak up.

There is a problem when a trade union no longer stands up for the profession, but acts in the interest of a narrow putty group.

When can this happen? For example, when a large part of the profession hates the trade union and does not join its ranks, and in the case of the PDSZ, we have serious reasons to assume that its members form a very negligible part of the teaching community. In addition, it is possible that even the majority of members are not active, they just forgot to log out. It also happens, it even happens with party members, but that's another story.

I myself cannot recall other PDSZ members from the past years, apart from Erzsébet Nagy and Tamás Szűcs, who would have spoken on behalf of the organization.

But let's accept that this is their job, the others prefer to stay in the background. The fact is, however, that when the government realized that it would prefer to negotiate only with those trade unions whose membership justifies this, Erzsébet Nagy was quick to shout "lex PDSZ". So, we are not claiming that they do not represent any profession, but indirectly they themselves admitted this.

And speaking of Elizabeth the Great. I was lucky enough to watch live how he dances around Dezső Jancsula before and after court hearings and during press conferences, the Pécs teacher who was unjustly sentenced to a fine for something that should have been handled by a school guard... if he had been at that school, but he wasn't. .

I also remember how the PDSZ campaigned against the introduction of school guards,

for example, with how much their salary will be compared to that of the teachers, which trivia can evoke very fond memories in the older generations. Well, the representative of this organization was always standing next to Dezső bá', of course, mostly when he could expect that he would also appear in one or two press photos. In the meantime, the "trash right-wing reactionary gang", the Széfagos Pécsért Egyesület, hired a lawyer for the well-respected teacher, but let's be fair: the PDSZ must have written some Facebook posts in defense of Dezső Jancsula at the time.

So thank you, dear PDSZ, for now worrying about the children whose phones will be collected in the morning!

We got the memo that the organization still exists and this time it wants to prove that it has a reason and a purpose for its existence. On the other hand, I would rather recommend that the press, which has been serving the PDSZ without criticism for years and takes all of the organization's snarky announcements as a matter of course, should do what even Dezső Kosztolányi did not dare to do. This is how the writer reported about the case when he had to edit the text of a half-talented art lover in such a way that it could be published in the newspaper:

"I could have done a perfect job only if I had drawn out every single line with its title. This is the only way to correct certain writings. In such cases, you may at most leave the name of the author.

This can possibly be printed, in bold letters, without the work, as a sign that the person is only interested in acting.

It is a desire that is impolite not to fulfill.”

Mandiner / Vizvári Soma

Featured image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák