The top category of economic criminals are called mobsters. They ensnare the world with their methods. At all costs, they ensure their living space by reserving space. They are staunch followers of money and power, champions of corruption. In a good case, their main enemy is the caring state, whose duty it is to protect its citizens.

At the beginning of the 21st century, we are witnessing the development of a new phenomenon. In many cases, politics and the mafia get married. He considers it his task to relax and possibly abolish the state system that protects the citizen. They deny the legality of God, country, and family, try to implement mafia governance, and prepare the future of world governance.

They would accept a super-ideology, where God is replaced by the small mafia that controls the financial empire.

The main station of their perceptible pressure is Europe. The conquest of the continent is equal to the success of a world war, especially because it does not require the winning of nations. However, traitors are needed for money. They are pushing their old-new ideology that the people need a little bread and the daily political circuses. They offer freedom instead of freedom.

In Europe, we can see that the slicing of freedom has become continuous, the consequence of which is that the desire for world power is growing stronger. In front of our blinking, watchful eyes, the green and post-liberal EU parliamentarians pave the way for the financial giants, they do it gladly, because the trap of Judas money is open.

The Brussels administration can be maintained from the taxes of EU citizens. It now seems to be an expensive pastime, leading to the impoverishment of Europe's citizenry. We cannot stand idly by as our living space is drained. Those involved in the planning and execution deserve punishment. This can happen if the voters carry out the reform of the union in 2024, and with their votes they send a sensible, professional guard to lead themselves. We do not need the citizens of the world to unite under a single power. The post-communist and all-liberal parties want to bring back this principle. Citizens of Central and Eastern Europe who lived under Soviet oppression for half a century experienced the Kolkhoz system, the essence of which is to drive us into a hole. You eat, you don't eat, you don't get anything else.

The strength of Europe is the citizenship of sovereign nations. A more advanced social structure than the US federal system. This can be respected, but imitating it is a mistake. We are doing well with the native achievements of the Judeo-Christian civilization in Europe. Perhaps we could also recommend to the USA, which has a short history, to expand the sovereignty of its states instead of a federation of nations. At the same time, the taming of the financial giants, the recognition of the sovereignty of the people and the ever closer alliance of free nations based on mutual strengths.

László Csizmadia is the chairman of CÖKA's board of trustees

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