On behalf of the Everyone's Birthday Foundation, we would like to invite you to a pro-life walk. Everyone's birthday - walk for life! event called an afternoon walk and celebration of the value of life. We send a gentle message to society about the value of human life inside and outside the womb, about supporting elderly or sick people, and about the dangers of anti-life measures. Come as many as possible! We will there!

The organizers want to initiate a new, more comprehensible, secular and political-independent, scientific, yet friendly social dialogue in defense of life, representing those who are not yet able to stand up for themselves.

The walk from Erzsébet tér to Várkert Bazaar will be held on the afternoon of September 21,

at the end, they finish with a joint birthday cake!

Böjte , János Lackfi, dr. Dean Ágnes

Ambassador of the event: dr. András Csókay

Main patrons of the event: Ilona Keresztes, Edit Frivaldszky, Andrea Földi-Kovács, Gábor Móczár

Let everyone have a birthday! - march participants declare that every human life is valuable, unrepeatable and must be protected from conception to natural death.

We believe that every conceived child should have a chance to be born.

We started together because we envision a future world where the beauty and dignity of every human life is valued and protected. And to mobilize pro-life people in public life!

Let's meet on Saturday, September 21 at 2 pm at Erzsébet Square!

If you would like to support the event, you can support the Everyone's Birthday Foundation at the following account number.

account number: 11701011-21459605

IBAN account number: HU81117010112145960500000000

Website: https:// allekkyszuletesnapja.hu/

Further questions and contact information: everyone's birthday ja@gmail.com or info@johogyvagy.hu