By the European Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET).

About the results of the tender under the theme "Institutional renewal of the European Union".


In the past period, the community of European countries had to face a number of challenges, to which the European Union and its leaders responded incorrectly, belatedly or ineffectively by bypassing the EU's basic values ​​and basic treaties. For this reason, the European Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET) is of the firm opinion that in the currently prevailing crisis situation - in addition to emphasizing the importance of peace - the performance of the EU's institutional system must be reviewed and evaluated at the same time.

This is precisely why EuCET, as an international NGO established in accordance with the principles of popular sovereignty and subsidiarity, i.e. the original ideas of the founders, and working unwaveringly for a successful Europe - in the spirit of its responsibility for the future of the next generations - felt it its duty to involve the young generation in the framework of a tender by the EU to its institutional renewal with a better intention.

The main guiding principle of our goal was that the young intellectuals formulate their own proposals regarding which reforms, in their view, the union would be able to provide more effective responses to the challenges and crisis situations of the present and the future.

We are pleased that our idea and call received an extremely positive reception both at the institutional and student level, which was also confirmed by the quality of the applications received. After the comprehensive evaluation, it can be clearly established that Hungarian youth are actively thinking about the European Union and its successful future, within the framework of the preservation of the Christian cultural heritage and traditions, the protection of the sovereignty of the nation-state, and the more direct involvement of EU citizens - as a constitutive factor - in decisions. they imagine. We intend to incorporate these newly acquired extremely valuable ideas into our work.

The results of this tender also clearly demonstrate our firm belief that it is time for the bureaucrats of the European Union to finally listen to the voice of the citizens, including the youth who determine the future of the continent, and to finally take their interests into account. , think and act as responsible decision-makers.

Dr. László Csizmadia is the founder of EuCET

result tender


1st place - Viktória Anna Pintér: How can the European Union be brought closer to its citizens?

2nd place shared - István Biki: Institutional perspectives of EU reform, with particular regard to citizen participation

2nd place shared - Márton Nagy: Will robots take away our jobs? Policy responses to the fourth industrial revolution in the European Union

3rd place - Ildikó Kúcs: There will be people who are just looking at you because they are happy to see a European here today among the whites.

You can watch the video made at the EuCET competition results announcement below.