Today, there is a spiritual-spiritual battle going on in the world, the crosshairs of which are marriage and family. This fight cannot be won without spiritual and spiritual help, marriage and family theologian László Pribék told Mandiner.

He pointed out that it is essential to strengthen families and spouses, not only financially, but also on a spiritual level, because the sexual revolution that broke out in the 60s and is now at its peak is a direct path to the collapse of our culture and society. He also touched on the fact that the gender theory only brings freedom instead of freedom, and even where it is promoted, the number of violent crimes committed against women also increases.

"Sexuality is realized in its full truth only in monogamous marriage." – László Pribék (Photo: PL)

"Sexuality is realized in its full truth only in monogamous marriage." – László Pribék (Photo: PL)

St. II. Pope János Pál said: it is not a problem that they talk about sexuality, the only problem is that they distort it and do not present its full truth. László Pribék continued.

The Pope wrote his book Love and Responsibility in 1960, in which he spoke very seriously about the fact that love is not for its own sake, since it involves a mutual and personal surrender between two people. He continued this line of thought when he also wrote his lectures on the theology of the body before his papacy, which he also began to teach as pope. He pointed out very clearly that

sexuality is realized in its full truth only in monogamous marriage.



Only here is complete surrender between a man and a woman. With extramarital sex, we deceive the other. We say I love you, but I hold back my fertility, my commitment, I don't fully accept you forever. This is not love. This double loneliness, this is selfishness.

Where can this crazy sexual revolution, its anything-with-anyone ideology and the fact that liberal organizations want to bring sexual education, acceptance, and gender mainstreaming to ever smaller people?

What can we expect if the UN has already turned in this direction and wants to teach six-year-old children to masturbate? In 1934, the English researcher John Daniel Anwin - without any religious approach - examined different human cultures over a period of 5,000 years. He was curious as to why it was discontinued. He noticed that as long as a culture had a strict order surrounding sexuality (for example, swings were not allowed before or during marriage), the culture flourished.

However, as soon as they started in the direction of sexual freedom, culture and society began to decline. Anwin observed that a culture as large as that of Mesopotamia could disappear in just three generations.

If we look at the sexual revolution of the 1960s, we see that the third generation is not too far away. In the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, the UN presented an image of man based on a Judeo-Christian tradition. He protected the respect and dignity of the human person. Compared to this, sexuality today is defined as being solely for the satisfaction of the individual's lust. So it says: it doesn't matter who you do it with, in what way and in what time frame.

St. II. John Paul's close colleague, Cardinal Carlo Caffara, recalled the Pope's words before his death:

humanity first turns away from God and then turns against itself.

Caffara formulated this in the way that the future of humanity rests on the two pillars of the divine order. The first is that a person is a person, so abortion or euthanasia cannot be performed on him. The other pillar is that God created man as male and female. This is opposed by anyone who says that the way must be cleared for gender transformations - even in the case of children - or who deprives a child of being raised by a mother and a father.

Man is man and woman, a being created in the complexity of body and soul, who can fully recognize his divinity, his full worth, his true dignity in relation to God.

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