The use of mobile phones in primary schools is prohibited starting this school year, which eighty-three percent of Italians support, according to a survey just published.

According to a survey conducted by the SkyTG24 news television, 13 percent of Italians do not approve of the provision, while the rest did not express an opinion on the issue.

The numbers show that the ban is more popular among right-wing voters than among center-left voters.

Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara decided to ban mobile phones back in July. Starting this September, students in kindergartens and in the first five grades of elementary schools are not allowed to use mobile phones, even for educational or learning purposes. Tablets, computers and other technological devices can be used under teacher supervision.

As usual, the beginning of the school year varies by region: first, educational institutions reopen in Bolzano in the Alps on September 5. The school year starts four days later in the Trento area, then on September 11 in the provinces of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto, Piemonte, Marche and Umbria. In most of central and southern Italy, school starts on September 16.

According to the survey, 49 percent of Italians do not want to postpone the start of the school year to October in the future, which arose as a possibility due to the extreme heat. Thirty-eight percent like the idea of ​​starting school later, the others did not express an opinion on the issue.


Cover image: Pixabay