This explains quite well why the MSZP is where it is. I understand that the leftist competition has suddenly become desperately viable, but everyone should not lose their minds. And now it's too late, comrades - wrote international lawyer Tamás Lattmann about the comment fight that broke out on the Facebook page of the former Momentum president Ferenc Gelencsér, which Mandiner .

A serious comment war broke out on Tuesday on the Facebook page of former Momentum president Ferenc Gelencsér; the parliamentarian reported that while he was trying to "protect" the Hungarian Radio building, a truck tried to hit him and his companions. MSZP co-chairman Imre Komjáthi also commented on the post, asking for much more sobriety from current politicians. As he wrote, the truck driver was an employee who wanted to do his job.

He is not a political opponent! Chain yourselves there! Get out on the road! But don't touch the working man! This was a mistake.”

- wrote the outgoing co-chairman of the MSZP, and then continued by saying that in such a situation the members of parliament have a much greater responsibility, they must handle the conflict, which was not caused by the truck driver.

So I did not criticize for political reasons"

- noted Imre Komjáthi.

That's when Tamás Lattmann, who can hardly be accused of being pro-government, came: the international lawyer commented on how the MSZP politician knew that the truck was a worker, and then asked the question: couldn't the truck be his?

So he can be a capitalist or an exploiter... Let's stop having fun... And what if he's an employee? Then you can commit a crime???

- the international lawyer was outraged at Komjáthi's position.

After that, things cleared up, as the MSZP co-chairman wrote in his reply: "our thinking is far from one another and we socialized in a different environment. That's why I understand that you don't understand." Lattmann did not remain in debt with his answer either, within a few minutes he asked for what he considered to be disgusting personalization.

Then just an FYI: I grew up in my father's lathe shop and worked there until I was a university student, when I transferred to law offices after law school. I know more about being a worker, you fucker, than you, you old political living hoodlum, for millions in the dome”

Lattmann also made a print screen of the comment fight, which he also shared on his social media page, with the text that " I really, really hate getting personal, especially when someone does it on such a low level, but THIS pretty well explains why the MSZP is where it is .

I understand that the leftist competition has suddenly become desperately viable, but everyone should not lose their minds. It's too late now, comrades."

Cover photo: Tamás Lattmann Facebook