If several ministers did not leave the government, we could believe that Kuleba was overthrown by the Poles.

The ministers of the Ukrainian government are leaving one after the other. On Wednesday morning, one of the best-known politicians of Ukraine's war era, Dmitro Kuleba, also submitted his resignation.

Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs in office since 2020, has submitted his resignation, Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, reported on September 4. Stefanchuk said that Kuleba's possible departure would be considered at one of the upcoming plenary sessions, but did not specify a date.

Earlier, in 2023, Kuleba spoke about: he would leave his office for two reasons, one, if the president asks him to do so;

the other is if it were to come into fundamental opposition to the foreign policy direction, with which it could no longer identify.

One of Kuleba's last political actions was that he succeeded in infuriating the Poles again in connection with the Volhynia massacre. his insulting statement, a member of the Sejm directly demanded that Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, should be declared persona non grata in Poland.

As previously reported by our paper,

Before Kuleba, several Ukrainian ministers had already submitted their resignations to the parliament: Denisz Malyuszka of justice, Oleksandr Kamishin, responsible for strategic industries, and Ruszlan Strilec, head of the environment ministry.

Speaker of the House Ruszlan Sztefanchuk announced on Facebook.

According to the announcement, Vitaly Koval, the president of the Ukrainian asset management fund, and Olha Stefanisina, the deputy prime minister responsible for European integration, also submitted their resignations.

The members of the government have not yet given reasons for their resignations, Magyar Nemzet wrote .

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke in his video message on Tuesday evening about

that the exchanges are necessary in order to strengthen the government of Ukraine.

"Fall will be extremely important. Our state institutions must be strengthened in such a way that Ukraine can achieve all the necessary results. Therefore, certain sectors of the government must be strengthened, and changes in the personnel composition have already been prepared. There will also be changes in the presidential office," stated Zelensky, according to the Mandiner review.

Cover image: MTI/EPA/Pool/Reuters/Thomas Peter