The program provided assistance in how to pass on folk traditions in the most effective way along modern educational methods.

Thanks to the Szombathely "Igy tedd ár" program, the songs, dances and games of folk holidays came to life at Vasvár Folk College. learned the Vasvár People's College .

During the training, the teachers got to know the folk customs and festive occasions that they can use in schools and kindergartens, and which they can easily apply to different age groups. In addition, the program also provided assistance in how to pass on these traditions in the most effective way along the lines of modern educational methods. The participants also got an insight into folk songs, folk games, forms of movement, and traditional practices related to customs.

The goal of the program is for teachers to be able to pass on the Hungarian folk traditions to the children with a fresh, modern perspective, and thereby keep these valuable cultural treasures alive.

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