The National Civil Police Association pays special attention to the safety of the beginning of the school year, so the police officers check the surroundings of schools and kindergartens in the morning and afternoon.

At the board meeting held online, Zoltán Szabó, professional vice president, asked all associations to cooperate with the police in monitoring the surroundings of kindergartens and schools. In the morning and afternoon, the police officers should help with traffic management, the safe use of pedestrian crossings, the prevention of illegal acts against children, and strengthen their drug prevention patrol services.

Zoltán Szabó also spoke to the civil guards of those settlements where there is no education. He asked the associations operating here that the civil guards pay close attention to the stops of public transport in order to ensure the safety of children going to and from school.

Dr. András Túrós , the president of the OPSZ, added to all of this that the intensive presence around schools and kindergartens must be maintained for at least a month, therefore he asks all civil guards to feel it their duty to ensure that children start school safely.

Source: MTI

(Header image: Délmagyar)