Yet what kind of moral considerations guide Israel's Western allies when they punish the grieving Jewish state instead of Hamas?

"Yet what else would Netanyahu and the Israeli government have to do to "do enough" for the agreement? To give in to the blackmail of Hamas - and the Iranians who are behind it - and thereby put Israel in danger again? Give up the Philadelphi and Netzarim corridors in Gaza, which are key to breaking the terrorists' grip on Gaza?

Release more terrorists to kill Israelis again?

Israel did everything within reason to reach an agreement on the release of the hostages. It is Hamas that does not want an agreement and has been stalling negotiations for months.

Biden writes that "the leaders of Hamas will pay for these crimes". Instead of deploying the U.S. Air Force and Special Forces, or pressuring Turkey and Qatar to expel terrorists from their territories, Biden instead blames Netanyahu in his statements.

Would this be punishment for the leaders of Hamas? Is this what Israel's closest ally, the world's number one military power, can show?"

The original full article can be read HERE

Author: Olivér Hende/NeoKohn

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