Today, one of the most important goals for Hungary is to catch up with the developed countries. The IMF registers 195 national economies, of which only 39 are considered developed. Central Europe and Hungary are now at the gates of this club, wrote State Secretary Balázs Orbán, political director of the prime minister, in his Facebook post.

"As in so many areas of life, there is no universal recipe. So we cannot spare the intellectual task of figuring out our own recipe for success. But what could be the ingredients of this recipe?

A country can only be successful if its economy is based on the appreciation of work and a high level of employment. By the end of 2021, with an employment rate of 73.8 percent, our country surpassed other EU member states such as Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

Success requires not only an economy, but also flesh and blood people. Dealing with demographic problems is one of the biggest challenges for Hungary and the whole of Europe. Is it conceivable in the long term a state that prospers economically while its population shrinks? Hardly. However, Hungary does not see immigration as the antidote to population decline. Therefore, one of our main objectives is to increase fertility internally, which requires that the parents are surrounded by a family-friendly environment and that having children is also a financial advantage. In order to achieve this, between 2010 and 2020, the amount of family allowances in proportion to GDP increased from 1.5 percent to 5 percent, and from 2022 it will already reach 6.2 percent of GDP, which is the highest in Europe.

The young generation born must also be provided with knowledge. The change in the model of higher education serves the purpose of making universities real centers of knowledge. Already this year, the government is spending almost 1.3 percent of the gross domestic product on universities - our spending so far and the EU average is below 1 percent - and in 2022 this figure will approach 2 percent of GDP, which is the absolute highest figure on the EU list. elevates us to the forefront.

The stability of the country and the economy is provided by the strong bourgeois middle class. There is no successful country where the middle class is small and the poor are many. That is why we strove to ensure that the poorest strata also benefited from the recovery after 2010. The annual net income of the lowest-income decile of society has risen one of the largest, by more than 40 percent in the last decade.

The strengthening of the middle class is unthinkable without an appropriate tax environment. Leftist governments have typically used taxes to take money from citizens and then redistribute it for their own purposes. We, on the other hand, believe that citizens are able to decide for themselves what to spend their income on. Accordingly, tax reductions have been continuous in Hungary since 2010 : the tax deduction in proportion to GDP was still 40 percent in 2009, but it decreased to 36 percent by 2020, and the trend continues. As part of and as a result of successful crisis management, we will be able to implement a HUF 1,500 billion tax reduction in 2022.

The key to economic sovereignty is for a country to keep certain strategic sectors under national ownership. Therefore, in 2010, the government classified three sectors as of national strategic importance: the energy sector, the banking sector and the media. The goal was for the Hungarian ownership ratio to exceed 50 percent in these areas, which was achieved by 2020, after Hungarian actors managed to buy back a significant part of the national assets sold off by the left-liberal governments.

Another condition for effective sovereignty is that a country can defend itself. Two important conditions for this are an effective army and a developed, independent military industry. The existence of the latter is not only important from the point of view of security, but also of a competitive economy, since a significant part of the most important high-tech innovations are born in the defense sector. By rebuilding the military industry, we also found an important economic breakthrough for Hungary.

Of course, research and development is vital not only in the military industry, but in all areas of the economy. That is why we increased R&D expenditures from 1.1 percent of GDP to 1.6 percent in ten years, which means a two and a half times increase. We will be able to increase this number next year as well.

Woody Allen once said that he would never belong to a club that would accept him as a member. We act with more modest demands, or we simply have a better opinion of ourselves. We want to enter the elite club of the most developed countries, and we will soon be able to do so. But for that we have to continue building, block by block.

You know, you have to go forward, not back!

Source: Facebook

(Header image: MTI)