Berlin is struggling with solutions to the crisis caused by illegal migration, where they realized that the questions and problems are becoming uncomfortably concrete.

The publicist of Die Welt is already struggling to solve the crisis caused by migration - and he has come to the conclusion that according to the current rules of the European Union, this can only be achieved by breaking the law or by serious political conflicts.

Carolina Drüten writes that in Germany it was also suggested to refuse the entry of migrants, as this has already become an everyday process at the external borders of the EU.

However, this is contrary to the conditions set by the EU, which leave minimal room for maneuver, since all applications must be examined, and the option of reversal is basically prohibited.

The author believes that the problems caused by migration can also be seen in the election results, the population is affected by mass immigration, because illegal migrants and even criminals are rarely deported, and this strengthens the AfD's positions.

"The questions are now becoming uncomfortably specific: will the refugee who has been traveling for months be stopped at the border? Can they physically prevent their entry? Can they push them away? What about women and children? Does the Union want to build a fence like Hungary? If the answer to all of these is no, then what is the EU's plan?" - lists the publicist.

Regarding border protection, it is worth noting that Brussels owes about two billion euros, i.e. HUF 800 billion, since Hungary has spent this much on border protection since 2015.

Gergely Gulyás, evaluating the German election results, told Mandiner: Germany should join our country's migration fight against Brussels.

Cover image: Syrian refugees arrive at the Friedland reception station near Göttingen in central Germany
Source: MTI/EPA/Swen Pförtner