This is the country's third musical road section, on which a part of Ismerős Arcok's song Nélküled is played.

Between Hatvan and Lőrinci, on highway 21, Hungary's third musical pavement has been completed, announced the Deputy Secretary of State for Road and Railway Construction of the Ministry of Construction and Transport (ÉKM) at the press conference handing over the investment.

Since 2015, nearly 45 kilometers of two-lane sections between Hatvan and Salgótarján have been built and renewed on the main road 21. Several elements of the final road development project have already been implemented or are nearing completion

- detailed József Pántya, and emphasized that the two-lane design is a significant improvement in traffic safety, which is also supported by the decreasing indicators of accident statistics.

The development also contributed to the comfort and balance of public transport.

In the Pásztó area, bus shelters and surveillance cameras were installed, a P+R parking lot with 46 spaces and a storage room for 50 bicycles were also created. With all of this, the ministry aims to promote public transport and make it safer

he outlined.

According to his information, the placement of additional bus stops and painting of pedestrian crossings in the area of ​​Tar and Szurdokpüspöki is in progress, the installation of surveillance cameras planned for the underpasses of the main road has already been completed.

This year, the 3.6-kilometer Hidegvölgyi watercourse south of Pásztó will be constructed, which will help with stormwater drainage and water management in the area.

- added the deputy state secretary.

Highway No. 21 now offers a unique experience to motorists.

As the "crown" of the developments of highway 21, from Thursday, the roughly 550-meter section of pavement between Hatvan and Lőrinci will offer a unique experience, on which a fragment of the Ismerős Arcok band's song "Nélküled" will be played while driving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

said József Pántya.

Zsolt Szabó, the region's Fidesz member of parliament, emphasized at the event:

Roads and music connect us, and the music section that has just been handed over is a common heartbeat for the entire nation, 15 million Hungarians.

Zsolt Becsó, the Fidesz member of parliament of Nógrád county's individual electoral district number 1, the originator of the development, pointed out in his welcome speech: with the handing over of the musical pavement, it was possible to dot the i in the quarter-century development program of highway 21.

Before 2010, for 8-10 years, highway 21, outstanding in terms of the region, did not receive the attention it deserved from the government. However, in the last 14 years, this important transport corridor connecting the Highlands with the motherland has been put on the map again, which enabled these areas to join the economic circulation of our country and Central Eastern Europe.

- said Zsolt Becsó.

According to the press material distributed at the event, the construction of the musical enclosure was carried out by HE-DO Építő Zrt. on behalf of the Ministry of Construction and Transport, for a net amount of HUF 1.8 billion.


Featured image: Gábor Kiss / MTI