Speaking to reporters at the scene, he said that he has no subsequent trauma, is not concerned about the identity of the assailant, does not desire revenge, and will not claim individual compensation.

According to Robert Fico, the background and motives of the perpetrator must be examined in relation to the assassination attempt against him, since the assassin was only a "tool" in someone's hands - the Slovak Prime Minister spoke about this in Nyitrabány (Handlová), the site of the May assassination, where he returned for the first time as part of a work visit on Friday.

Speaking to reporters at the scene, Robert Fico said:

he has no subsequent trauma due to the assassination attempt against him, he is not concerned with the person of the assassin, he does not desire revenge, and he will not demand individual compensation, he forgave him, since the attacker was "just a tool in the hands of someone else".

According to the head of the Slovak government, the primary investigation in the case is not who made a mistake during the attack, whether the bodyguards were negligent, but the background of the attack and the motives of the perpetrator.

"First of all, we need to tell the public what really happened, because the opposition wants us to deal with whether the bodyguards were negligent or not, when there is another problem here, that someone wanted to kill the Prime Minister out of political hatred . I am not talking about Robert Fico, but about the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic"

- said Robert Fico, whose words were quoted by the Slovak public service news agency TASR.

According to plans, the report on the assassination will be submitted to the Bratislava parliament during the autumn months. On Friday, the Prime Minister said in this regard: the subject of the investigation is also who the assassin communicated with, and the events of the period since last September's elections must be revealed, since, he said, the opposition and part of the media were not willing to accept the parliamentary election results. He stated that the assailant was an opposition activist motivated by "systemic hatred".

Robert Fico was shot in the chest and stomach

An armed attack was committed against the 59-year-old head of government on May 15, after a remote meeting of the Bratislava cabinet in Nyitrabánya. The perpetrator, 71-year-old Juraj Cintula from Léva, who wounded the prime minister with four shots, was detained on the spot, and later the special court in Bazin (Pezinok) placed him under arrest on charges of premeditated attempted murder. In his testimony, Cintula justified his action by saying that he did not agree with the government's policy, including the fact that Robert Fico and his government continue to refuse to supply weapons to Ukraine. In July, the proceedings against Cintula were reclassified as a terrorist act.


Featured Image: Robert Fico/Facebook