"Coordinated economic management is a prerequisite for such an economic action plan", underlined the Prime Minister in his speech in Kötcs.

The most important element of the gathering, which has been held every year since 2004, with one exception, is traditionally Viktor Orbán's speech. The Prime Minister recently published an excerpt from this year's speech on his social media page "Kötcsei thoughts" .

"We have the action plan. Although it hasn't been presented or announced yet, we haven't put it under political work yet, but we usually refer to it as the peace budget, which is already in the desk drawer. This is more or less the case, and if President Matolcsy doesn't force us to do so, we don't even have to pull it out ahead of time.

The focus of this peace budget or action plan is to raise economic growth to the 3-5 percent range in 2025. It is necessary to make a budget that, in addition to preserving the financial balance - which is necessary because of the credit rating agencies and the entire financial world - is able to produce a 3-5 percent increase. This is the basis of everything, and I think we are capable of this.

We need a wage dynamic. Employers and employees are conducting a very dynamic negotiation about next year's wages. The government is trying to stay out of this, but the trade unions will apparently agree on a large-scale wage increase with the employers, which the government will stamp on - obviously they want to include our money, which is now incidental - but clearly a multi-year, significant minimum wage- a series of negotiations on the rise is taking place at the moment.

We have already been able to start wage dynamics in some areas, such as health care, but the largest teacher wage increase in the history of Hungary is also taking place right now, which will continue next year.

The value of family allowances must be increased, because high inflation has eaten up their value. After 2020, when the problems with Covid started, we could not follow the value of the money deterioration by increasing the amount, but this must now be compensated. The amount of the tax discount for children must be doubled in the next year, 2025, for which Minister Hankó has already developed plans.

And Minister Márton Nagy is doing quite well by starting a small business program that resembles the former Széchenyi plan: if you invest one HUF, we will also give you one. So there is also a program involving small and medium-sized entrepreneurs - not large ones.

A prerequisite for such an economic action plan is coordinated economic management. The more we listen to Mr. Central Bank Governor, the more we feel as if we are moving in the opposite direction, but this is only an appearance. In fact, we are well on our way to a coordinated economic management system.

We need an Erhard, who used to be György Matolcsy until he went to the position of central bank governor, who is the top economic minister in charge of the economic and budget instruments at the same time, and who can command this action program. The identity of this person is related to the decisions the government will make when the vacancy of the central bank governor's seat, which will unfortunately occur on March 1st. It is clear that whoever goes there cannot be this top minister, to be honest. One will be the top economic minister, and the other will be the governor of the central bank."

Featured image: Viktor Orbán/Facebook