Ferenc Földes High School graduate Ádám Molnár István won a gold medal at the International Informatics Student Olympiad, which was held between September 1 and 8 in Alexandria, Egypt. In this year's competition, a total of 364 students compared their IT skills, among them the young talent was the best.

Ádám Molnár István, a Minap reported . He recently won a bronze medal at the Central European Mathematical Olympiad (MEMO 2024) organized at the University of Szeged, which was held with the cooperation of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society.

Earlier, between August 9 and 15, he won a silver medal at the International Artificial Intelligence Student Olympiad (IOAI), and in June he finished as a gold medalist and absolute first place at the Central European Informatics Student Olympiad (CEOI).

The Hungarian team consisted of four students: Ádám Molnár István (Földes Ferenc High School, Miskolc), Pál Czanik (Mihály Fazekas High School, Budapest), Zsombor Bata (Friedrich Schiller High School, Pilisvörösvár) and Tamás Görömbey (Mihály Fazekas High School, Debrecen). The team was led by dr. It was provided by Gyula Horváth.

The Neumann Society's talent management program and the cooperation of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics played a key role in the preparation of the Hungarian competitors.

Picture: Földes Ferenc High School Alumni Association Fb