"The blockade would be a tragedy for Hungary," the Prime Minister declared on Radio Kossuth.

Viktor Orbán began the interview by saying that the term neutrality has been used frequently in Hungarian politics over the past 100 years, but it seems to be more of a military-political term than an economic one.

But now something is happening in the world, in the world economy, that it is worthwhile to introduce this concept and become familiar with it

said the Prime Minister, who had already spoken about this concept earlier this week.

At this point, he referred back to the fact that the former president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, prepared a study of several hundred pages. According to Viktor Orbán, this showed that there is a big problem, Europe is suffering a huge loss of competitiveness, and it will be a big problem if we do what we have been doing now. "The USA and China will also withdraw from us," said the Prime Minister. Viktor Orbán then spoke about how the world system change and the rise of Asia is an existing and current thing that politicians must take into account.

"You can compete, or you can disqualify the competitor. The question is which one serves our interest. Blockade would be a tragedy for Hungary. If there is a division, then we are forced to the periphery"

- he said, then added:

Hungary has to compete, it is good if the world economy is unified and we start competing with the others. We need neutrality, we must not be closed to the East or the West.

The prime minister said: the concept of economic neutrality has so far been left out of public discourse, even though it serves the interests of the people the most. He also touched on the fact that the leaders of other EU states are also against the EU tariff imposed on Chinese cars, but the European Commission does not even listen to them. As he said, the automotive industry is a key issue, it is important that it survives.

There are many important players in politics and economy who think like Hungary

- said Viktor Orbán, adding that it is necessary to change the policy in Brussels with their help. As he said: one should not start from the assumption that they are "smarter than us" in Brussels, because Brussels is wrong and they must be persuaded to change.

Economic recovery, inflation below 3 percent

The prime minister also spoke about the fact that there is a lively discourse in Hungary about the state of the economy. You can hear a lot of bad things about the Hungarian economy, even though, according to him, it is now at the gate of recovery. He also noted that "some of the bad things stem from a lack of knowledge, some from political bias" , and then he listed several things about why, in his opinion, the situation is favorable.

Inflation is starting to fall below 3 percent

Viktor Orbán said on the one hand. Not much later, referring to domestic consumption, he added: "Those who have money consume or save, but let the people decide what they want, not the economists."

"No matter how we look at it, there is a consumption of around 4 percent, so people are spending more. What does it take? To earn more, in addition to wanting to spend”

- said the prime minister on this topic, according to whom Hungarian consumption is still better than the EU average. In the meantime, he also spoke about the fact that the domestic investment average is also better than the European one, and also about the fact that tourism numbers could set a record this year. "There have never been as many Hungarians on vacation as this year, neither at home nor abroad," he noted.

He also addressed the issue of wage increases and said:

"Talking about wages should be done with caution. A wage increase is a desirable thing, but it must happen sensibly, so it is better if those who do it decide about it. It is best if employees and employers come to an agreement"

- he stated, and then noted: in his opinion, serious wage increases are expected, and the momentum in this field can be maintained in the next 2-3 years.

Could Hungary be the third fastest growing economy? 

The Prime Minister later also spoke about: "Brussels cannot be accused of ripping Hungary off without a collar" , but even they say that Hungary will be the 3rd best country in terms of economic growth. However, he added:

There is one thing that can pull our ideas through, war […] so we have an enemy, war.

Regarding the war, he later stated that it was being fought by the Ukrainians against the Russians, not Europe. "Let's get out of the trenches and realize that this is not our war," he said.

Another peace mission, unexpected initiatives? 

I still have peace mission campaigns in my arsenal, and we will have unexpected initiatives in the next period as well.

"The normal-minded part of the world has always been pro-peace. We had to launch a peace mission to get European leaders to start thinking about peace. It is in everyone's interest to have a ceasefire," said Viktor Orbán.

"Our peace mission started the thinking and discussion about this. The dialogue on peace has started, and there are more and more countries that would like to join this," added the Prime Minister, and then announced:

I still have peace mission campaigns in my arsenal, and we will have unexpected initiatives in the next period as well.

The question of EU resources and border controls 

When asked about the situation with the suspended EU funds, Viktor Orbán said: it doesn't look like the matter will be resolved anytime soon, but the government will not let this matter go, and sooner or later we will receive the money.

Not long after, he also touched on the fact that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had called for stricter border controls the other day.

"All my credit goes to the German chancellor [...] but he did not come to this conclusion on his own. He came to this conclusion because migrants stabbed some voters in the street," said Viktor Orbán. He added: Hungary did not become an immigrant country, but Western European countries did, which is why border protection is necessary, and now Germany has realized this as well.

It's time for flesh-and-blood people to make decisions instead of eggheads 

"We should not be punished for protecting our borders. In the European Union, people were not asked whether migration was good, the elites decided that," said the prime minister, who said that Hungary was an exception to this, and that is why it did not become a country of immigration.

It's time for flesh-and-blood people to decide on this instead of a lot of clever eggheads

Viktor Orbán said at the very end of the interview about the issue of migration.

Via Index

Featured image: In the image published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is in the Kossuth Rádió studio, where he gave an interview on Good morning, Hungary! on November 10, 2023.
MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer