Students can apply for the free-to-use, completely interest-free Student Loan Plus, the one-time HUF 500,000 loan, until September 30, the Student Loan Center announced on Friday.

The announcement recalled that the government had previously decided to extend the application deadline until September 30. The popularity of the product introduced due to the pandemic and intended to help students facing temporary financial difficulties is still "enormous" among students, they wrote.

They added that Student Loan 1, which still has a favorable interest rate and can be used freely, and Student Loan 2, which can still be applied for without interest and can be taken out at the cost of higher education, are no less popular.

Based on the government's previous decision, the Student Loan 1 can be applied for up to HUF 150,000 per academic month, which gives students access to HUF 1.5 million per year. Student Loan 1 can be spent freely on anything, just like Student Loan Plus.

They also mentioned that those applying for student loans are entitled to the family allowances introduced in 2018. If a second child is born in a family after taking out a loan, the Student Loan Center will waive half of the mother's student loan, and in the case of the birth of the third child, the entire student loan debt. In almost four years, 7,000 mothers were able to forgive their debts worth more than HUF 6 billion.

In the past year, the number of applications has increased significantly, which shows that the grants offered by the Student Loan Center are of substantial help to students.

Source: MTI/MH
