At the beginning of the week, the poor man bled out in the arms of the German Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser. Written by Mátyás Kohán.

I watched Markus Lanz's program on channel two of the so-called German public television the night before yesterday, where Thorsten Frei, the group secretary of the CDU, said:

he has had enough of the German government's constant whining about EU law regarding the management of migration, it is indeed possible to turn back asylum seekers who are not entitled to asylum at the German border.

Then, as a balm for my soul struggling with severe Brussels fatigue, he told me that the only hard limit on migration policy is the Geneva Refugee Convention (which states that those persecuted in their home country are entitled to refugee status in the first safe country), and everything else is regulated by the legislatures of sovereign countries as their voters they want - and if the voters want migrants who are not entitled to refugee status to be sent back at the border, the heart of German politics has the right to arrange this, that's it. But you've figured it out, my friends;

it took the good people and the sane government of Hungary roughly ten years to recognize this elementary truth, and it was not entirely painless.

There is only one problem: that this should have been realized ten years ago, while still in government - not now, when next year we can hope that the intelligent, the stupid and the green communists will jointly help the CDU into government again. In the first case, not only would the migration crisis have been stopped long ago, but I would venture:

The relationship between Angela Merkel and Viktor Orbán would not have deteriorated, the AfD would not be at twenty percent, and perhaps even Fidesz and the European People's Party would have been able to bear each other. And we Europeans would have gotten away with one more thing: the methodical, bloody murder of the greatest European achievement, the Schengen free movement.

Because this was indeed achieved, with the reintroduction of border control for all borders of Germany, the cancerous tumor, which until now only threatened the free passage of the Bavarian-Austrian and Austrian-Hungarian, and the Austrian-Slovenian borders, formed incurable metastases. From now on, the German-Danish, German-Belgian, German-French, German-Luxembourg, German-Swiss, German-Czech and German-Polish borders are no longer Schengen, the number of border regions deprived of the main symbol of European freedom at once tripled. All this because ten years ago it was not yet possible to realize that there is either a strong external border or internal borders. There are a limited number of such stupid things to do; there are no longer so many wonderful European achievements that we can nullify without any compelling circumstances.

The legitimacy of the European project is not infinite, there is no room for more Schengenicides.

This is something that transcends itself. The free Schengen border crossing is the thing that makes the far-right Hungarian in Boskai smile under his goofy moustache, the shrunken Austrian tavern keeper who regrets all the development money from the Romanians loosens the spasms around his turban, and the Czech tavern keeper who also pronounces good morning with a ř comes to life for the moment the spirit of internationalism. This is simply a wonderful thing, a real achievement, something that shows that European cooperation is still capable of things that no one else can do anywhere else. Schengen - and perhaps free roaming - is loved by everyone, even the wildest Eurosceptic cannot resist it. And now it is going to ruin because of something that no one under the sky likes, apart from a few Berlin greens and Spanish neo-communists, as well as the Hungarian opposition, which always hears the words of the times the other way round. Because this new European tragedy has one and only one reason: that the European Union has lost the battle against illegal migration,

because his testosterone wasn't high enough to take himself seriously.

In order to place everyone who asks to be admitted to the continent in transit zones with large rammed floors on its external borders - be it land or sea - decide their fate, and if their entry has neither a legal basis nor an economic benefit, then send them back, as the American does except for democratic election manipulators, everyone else on this earth.

And to put it simply, this is the task for which we hold the European Union: asserting the interests of Europeans against the interests of everyone else. This is what the actions and words of European politicians, common EU law, and every movement of the big, common EU biceps should serve.

The law must be adapted to common sense, not the other way around.

This is the essence of the legal dispute between the EU and Hungary, this is the reason why this small country engulfed in flames does not do stupid things even if it is a law to do stupid things - in fact, perhaps only in this one case can we be sure that it will not do stupid things.

Every bit of us opposes the European suicide in which Schengen also lost its life as an innocent party. We hate that the worst features of the European Union eat up the best. And we want, we want, we want: the leaders of the EU finally sew the button on the lie of life they have enthusiastically advocated for ten years. Schengen killers, answer!


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