The Sirius Animal Rescue foundation in Cluj-Napoca celebrates its seventh anniversary with a charity ball at the end of September.

Veterinarian Izabella-Alida Bükös, an employee of the association, spoke to Krónika about the charity event, the main activities and campaigns of the foundation.

On September 27, the Sirius Animal Rescue foundation is organizing a charity ball with the motto Dar din dar (Dar din dar) in the treasured city, which is also celebrating its seventh birthday on this occasion.

"This motto has accompanied us since our establishment, since among the first cases, a family of seven found seven puppies that still needed formula. At that time, we did not have the financial framework for this, so we provided the dogs with daily food from donations and gifts received from other foundations, private individuals, and clinics."

- Izabella-Alida Bükös brought to life the difficulties and at the same time the beauties of the departure when contacted by Krónika.

The employee of the Cluj-Napoca foundation emphasized that, although they were able to accommodate and care for the animals in an increasingly large area over time, they do not want to advertise that there is plenty of room for adoption, but rather that people choose adoption instead of buying. Therefore, the facilities were mainly conceived as temporary homes, where those interested in adoption can get in touch with the dogs and cats, and the foundation's employees can get to know the owners better, thereby recognizing which pet would fit better into their family.

"This is mainly important so that the dog or cat does not return to us in a short time. Before the adoption, we personally look at the given apartment, we recommend possible changes so that it is, for example, cat-proof, and if all criteria are met, we will take care of the animal for a month, and only then will we sign the official papers"

explained the treasured city vet. He added that, at the same time, the foundation offers the opportunity that, if the circumstances in the adopting family change over time, they will take the animal back and try to place it elsewhere as soon as possible, so that the mental balance of the dog or cat is not upset.

Izabella-Alida Bükös also spoke about the fact that nearly 230 animals are being cared for in the Berendi and Magyarkiskapus shelters, and the dogs from the latter are slowly being moved to the new area, which is still under construction. To our question, based on the experience of the past few years, how great is the willingness to adopt? upon entering, they easily find a pet they like, which they then buy.

The Sirius Animal Rescue foundation currently has six active members, and their work is sometimes assisted by volunteers. At the same time, the association has initiated several neutering programs in Cluj county, for example, in Szászfenes, the mayor's office has been financing the sterilization of the microchipped dogs of Szászfenes residents for the third year. And in Cluj, the expanded version of the same program will be launched, which will now accept cats and stray pets as well.

"Until now, the foundation has tried to do the work of public institutions, but now we prefer to help with advice, in order to solve the problem of overpopulation and stray animals not only at the level of Cluj, but also at the level of Cluj county."

Izabella-Alida Bükös drew attention.


Featured image: Sirius Animal Rescue/Facebook