The head of the League, Italy's former interior minister, would be sentenced to prison by the Palermo prosecutor's office for protecting his country from illegal immigration.

Not only in Italy, but also outside the country's borders, the Salvini trial was accompanied by a huge indignation. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed his opinion on X.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, "Europe's bravest patriot" is being punished for stopping migration.

Those who defend Europe are constantly being punished. What's going on here? - asks the Hungarian prime minister. Viktor Orbán underlined: Salvini is our hero!

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini reacted to the post of the Hungarian Prime Minister in a short time.

Thank you Viktor Orbán, see you on Friday in beautiful Budapest. Tribulations and threats will not stop the wind of change and freedom that is blowing across Europe - replied the leader of the League, indicating that he will visit Hungary this week.

He also thanked the Hungarian Prime Minister for his support in a Facebook post. Several right-wing politicians also expressed their solidarity, who are shocked to follow the events taking place in the court in Palermo.

Salvini thanked Marine Le Pen of the French right-wing National Consolidation, Geert Wilders, president of the Dutch right-wing Freedom Party, Jordan Bardella, president of the French right-wing National Consolidation party, Gerolf Annemans, Belgian MEP, Santiago Abascal, president of the Spanish Vox party, and all Europeans as a friend and ally for their solidarity and support.

He told his allies that they will continue to fight together in the future to protect their peoples, identity and security.

Undoubtedly, remarkable processes are taking place in Italian domestic politics. According to members of the Italian government, there are serious distortions in the justice system. What is a citizen's duty according to the constitution can now become a crime.

Former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini would be sentenced to prison by the Palermo prosecutor's office for protecting his country from illegal immigration.

Tensions arose between members of the Italian government and prosecutors. According to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the Salvini case sets a dangerous precedent.

It is unbelievable that a minister of the Italian Republic is facing prison for fulfilling his duty and protecting the country's borders, as the citizens asked him to do. It is a serious thing to declare border protection against illegal immigration a crime, which is a civic duty, said Meloni and expressed his solidarity.

According to Interior Minister Matteo Piantadosi, the Salvini trial is an obvious and macroscopic distortion of justice, of which the entire country is actually a victim. American tycoon Elon Musk also spoke out in defense of the patriotic politician. In his opinion, the prosecutor should be imprisoned. The politicians of the opposition parties deny that it is a political trial, in their opinion, the former minister of the interior should not play the role of the victim.

According to Laura Boldrini, one of the most active pro-migrant politicians of the Democratic Party, if Salvini were to be convicted, it would be unacceptable for him to remain in his position. The general secretary of the League called the left's attack shameful.

First they send me to court, then they hope for my resignation. There is no limit to shame on the left, commented Salvini.

The League declared war on prosecutors and the left. The serious accusations against Salvini prompted party members to launch a nationwide mobilization.

In the coming weeks, they will start collecting signatures to prove that the Salvini case is a lawsuit against Italy for resisting illegal immigration and not wanting to be Europe's refugee camp.

The national association of Italian prosecutors sent a message to the government led by Giorgia Meloni. The members of the organization assure their colleagues in Palermo of their solidarity and condemn the statements of the government members. In their opinion, it is defamation when they claim that the prosecutor's office is attacking Salvini because of his political views, which is also a serious insult to the independence of the branches of power. At the same time, they weaken trust in democratic institutions and put pressure on decision-makers.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Matteo Salvini, president of the Italian governing party League
Source: MTI/EPA/ANSA/Riccardo Antimiani