According to the prime minister's political director, the liberal world order is over.

The American presidential election has never had such a stake as now, said the political director of the Hungarian Prime Minister at the international geopolitical summit of the Danube Institute and the American The Heritage Foundation held in Budapest on Tuesday.

Balázs Orbán emphasized: the liberal world order is over, and with the arrival of a new world order, we "need to know" what positions, what narratives, what way of thinking are necessary in order for "us, conservatives, to be the winners of this new world order".

After the Cold War, the Washington Consensus built a Western liberal world in exchange for money and access, in which the values ​​represented by conservatives had no place. But the liberal world order failed, and the rest of the world, which did not want to adopt liberal values, turned against the West"

added the prime minister's political director.

According to him, from an economic political point of view, this strengthened the challengers of the West, and from a social point of view, it created a tension in the West that undermined the conditions of peaceful coexistence, public safety and trust. "Multiple centers of power have emerged, of which no bloc is strong enough to dominate the others, and any attempt to do so would lead to armed conflict, suffering of millions, economic decline and the collapse of the social fabric," he said.

Balázs Orbán explained: the progressive liberals are on the side of the war that is constantly weakening Europe, while the war is leading to the economic weakening of Europe. According to his statement, "we, Europeans and Americans, have a responsibility to create peace".

He called the conclusion of a cease-fire the first step on the road to peace, in which Hungary and the United States must play a mediating role, and one should not listen to those who claim that it is not worth sitting at the negotiating table without a concrete peace plan.

Among the principles of a world order based on sovereignty, he spoke about basing economic decisions on national interests and preserving traditional values ​​- in his view, conservatives are needed in this area more than ever.

Balázs Orbán emphasized: Hungary has successfully stuck to its ideas in this area: instead of supporting uncontrolled, mass and illegal migration, it has found comprehensive family policy solutions to demographic challenges that support the establishment of families consisting of "traditional" couples.

He added that it is necessary to fight against all imperialist ideologies that seek to abolish nations and replace the governance of the world with a homogeneous, centrally controlled political power.

"We are also fighting in the European Parliament, where together with our allies we represent the third largest force," he said.

"These are important times, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the stakes of the American presidential election have never been higher than now. The leadership of the Western world must be directed by those who are truly aware of global changes. It is not simply about the future success of Hungary or the United States, but about the successful future of the entire Western civilization. In Hungary, we see Donald Trump and JD Vance as such leaders," said the Prime Minister's political director.


Cover photo: Zsolt Czeglédi/MTI