Everyone's Birthday - this is the name of the pro-life movement, which is organized on September 21 with the motto "Let everyone have a birthday". But unborn children, unfortunately, never will. We talked about this with the spokesperson of Everyone's Birthday, Pontifex Sári.

– It is not appropriate to analyze a person's name, but I will do it now, because in your case it seems that nomen est omen. His last name is Pontifex, which means bridge builder. This is also the title of the Holy Father, he builds a bridge between God and man. What kind of bridge do you dream of?

– Primarily about the bridge between unborn children and people who have already been born, I want to build this. Unborn children are also our fellow human beings, but because they are hidden, we do not see them and because abortion is legal, we do not consider them equal fellow human beings. I want to be their voice, I want to stand up for them, show that they are just as valuable and have the right to life.

"Unfortunately, Hungarian society, although not as quickly as Western society, has also started to go downhill. Egoism dictates, and whoever is willing to believe it is made to believe that only you are important and no one else. Neither is the life that was conceived in you.

- This is a very complex question of why someone decides to have an abortion. I am also a volunteer of the Együtt az Élétért Egyesület , where we help expectant mothers with crisis pregnancies, and we face many difficult cases and receive shocking phone calls. Their partner can't stand the woman, her family turns away from her. At the same time, it must also be taken into account that since abortion is legal in Hungary, society offers women abortion as a solution, even though this is actually a letdown. A study in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that after an abortion, women are 81% more likely to have a mental health problem. This is also why there are organizations that help in recovery, such as Ráhel's Vineyard . So abortion harms the mother and takes the life of the child. Society should offer real help.

- It really bothers me that the question is often approached only from the point of view of women's right to self-determination. The fetus is not part of their body, just a temporary place of residence. I think the woman only has the right to decide whether she wants to have sex with someone.

"Somehow, it has been lost from the social consciousness that a new life can be conceived with every act." But I often find that many people don't know that abortion means taking a human life. A survey by the University of Chicago found that 95% of biologists agree that human life begins at conception. After that, it develops extremely quickly: in the 3rd week, a heartbeat starts to beat, which can be heard in the 6th week. In the 5th week, the small arms develop. In the 6th week, it starts to move, which the mother only feels around the 18th week. Around the 8th week, brain waves can be detected, suck your finger. And people no longer know exactly what abortion means. And when we show them, they are shocked.

I recommend to the attention of our dear readers two short films on the subject recently published on the Egy Élét YouTube channel. One shows the beginning and development of human life, and is the most accurate animated film on the subject so far . the other , an obstetrician-gynecologist explains with the help of animation how a 1st trimester abortion is performed. Many people who see these films change their views on abortion. They say, oh my God, is this really an abortion? Is this such an act of violence? This can't be right!

- We still have the intention to prevent abortion, let's say this is what the heartbeat regulation serves as well. I think it should be added to the mandatory viewing of the dramatic film Unexpected Life and only after that decide to have an abortion or give birth to a child.

<a i=0>- Every extinguished human life leaves a void, everyone is valuable and unrepeatable, whether they become famous and recognized or not. Abortion survivors do exist. As an international reporter for the Egy Élét YouTube channel,</a> I interviewed <a i=1>Josiah Presley</a> <a i=2>, who said that part of his arm is probably missing due to the failed abortion attempt.</a> I also spoke <a i=3>with Rebecca Kiessling</a> <a i=4>, who is a fantastic woman and conceived as a result of violence. He speaks up for those whom society believes should not be born. They are shown with Hungarian subtitles. Many such conversations can be seen on Egy Élét channel, because we want to show that the pro-life position is the scientifically supported view, and life is the greatest value.</a>

- Everyone's Birthday also conveys the message that not everyone will have a birthday because they are not allowed to be born. Kamala Harris, who is extremely pro-abortion, is now a US presidential candidate. He wants to make it possible to abort the fetus up to the moment of birth in every member state in the USA. Think about it: a minute later, when the child is born, the law already considers taking the baby's life as infanticide, which has criminal consequences!

– There is no doubt that the presidential election will have important consequences from the point of view of the protection of life. You should realize that in each phase of life, it is actually a matter of taking a life, whether it happens at conception or in the 2nd, 9th month, exactly as if it happens at the age of one and a half years, 15 years or 80 years. We just don't think about it, because that little bit of life is still hidden. Its location is different, it is still inside the mother's womb. Neither his place of residence, nor his size, nor his level of development can justify taking his life, this is age discrimination.

Sylvester Stallone recently said in a podcast with his daughters that he is alive because, as his mother put it, "the hook didn't work." Think about how many great scientists and artists who could have made the world better were not born because it "worked" for them.

- Every extinguished human life leaves a void, everyone is valuable and unrepeatable, whether they become famous and recognized or not. Abortion survivors do exist. As an international reporter for the Egy Élét YouTube channel, Josiah Presley , who said that part of his arm is probably missing due to the failed abortion attempt. with Rebecca Kiessling , who is a fantastic woman and conceived as a result of violence. He speaks up for those whom society believes should not be born. They are shown with Hungarian subtitles. Many such conversations can be seen on Egy Élét channel, because we want to show that the pro-life position is the scientifically supported view, and life is the greatest value.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover image: Everyone's Birthday Facebook

Happy birthday everyone! There will be a life-saving walk in Budapest