While Karácsony complains about government deductions, in 2020 more rewards were distributed in the Mayor's Office than a year earlier, but the city manager did not hesitate when purchasing masks and tests either.

the in Magyar Hírlap, for example, it is highlighted that a company won an order for the purchase of masks and tests, which previously had no economic activity, no income, no employees, but received a HUF 210 million order from Budapest led by Gergely Karácsony.

At the same time, in 2020, more than seventy million forints in rewards were distributed among local government leaders, almost four million forints more than before the crisis, at the end of 2019, while the Karácsonys are constantly complaining about a lack of resources and announcing that the capital is on the verge of bankruptcy.

The budget of the Main Garden was reduced from HUF 344 million to HUF 180 million, and the neglected parks are called bee pastures . The only thing about the mayor's hyperpassive language skills is that since Karácsony was elected, he used the help of an English interpreter at least 16 times, which cost the capital's budget more than HUF three million.

Facts are stubborn things! On a note among ourselves, it is possible to call the ragweed and tick colonies of the capital management playing in the "Green Rainbow" bees, but as we know, ignorance has only one cover, language.

 Well, I am Bitte: only money is inaudible, Nur geld ist önhorbar, only money is inaudible! 

Photo: MH/Róbert Hegedüs