The 200 million euro fine will be deducted from the payments to Hungary.

The European Commission will begin deducting the 200 million euro fine imposed on the country by the EU court from the EU payments due to Hungary, after the Hungarian government did not pay the amount by the deadline, the commission's spokesperson announced on Wednesday.

The deadline for paying the fine of approximately 80 billion forints, imposed by the court on June 13, expired on Tuesday.

As we reported earlier, the Court of Justice of the European Union imposed a huge penalty on Hungary due to the accusation of breach of obligations.

There is a twist in the 200 million euro EU fine

Balázs Újvári said that the committee is investigating whether, if Hungary fails to make the payment, the amount will be deducted all at once or in stages from the benefits intended for Hungary.

Regarding the daily fine of one million euros, he said that the Hungarian authorities should have informed the committee by September 13 how they tried to coordinate their procedures with those prescribed by the court, but no response was received from the authorities.

Since the committee did not receive a response, we sent out the first payment request, the spokesperson said.

The fine is currently EUR 93 million (HUF 36.7 billion), i.e. for the period from June 13 to September 17, and, as the spokesperson said, Hungary has 45 days to repay.

In June, the Court of Justice of the European Union ordered Hungary to pay 200 million euros because it "does not respect" EU legislation, among other things, "in the area of ​​procedures for the granting of international protection and the return of citizens of non-EU countries staying illegally."

In addition, he was ordered to pay a mandatory fine of one million euros for each day of delay in complying with the regulations, as he did not comply with the court's ruling in December 2020 regarding the violation of the provisions of the Reception Conditions Directive and the Return Directive.


Cover image: The seat of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Source: Wikipedia/By Luxofluxo