The toll-free number created by the government welcomes announcements, but offers can also be made.

The government has created a green number in connection with flood protection, announced the parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior at a press conference held after the Thursday morning meeting of the flood protection operative group, which was also attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Bence Rétvári said that public information about the flood can be requested at the number 06/80-204-240 and reports can be made about the flood situation, as well as donations can be made here.

He also reported that according to a recent government decree, vehicles participating in the defense with a yellow distinguishing mark can also use the bus lanes.

Regarding Kisoroszi, he reported that the settlement surrounded by the Danube was prepared for isolation, food and sandbags had been stockpiled, and the ambulance service was in the settlement with a fully equipped ambulance.

István Láng drew attention to the fact that the monitoring service must be maintained even after the withdrawal of the price, because leaks and zealots develop in many places.

Bence Rétvári said that 256 police officers are currently involved in the defense, they help with closing and patrolling. In places where the power has been turned off, where street lights may not work, they maintain a reinforced service, as well as protect properties whose owners have had to vacate.

Prisoners have already filled more than 90,000 bags with sand in the prisons, "the prisons have also switched to filling sandbags," said the state secretary. In total, 1.5 million sandbags have already been filled in the past few days.

The head of the National Directorate General of Water Affairs explained that the flood provides defense tasks for the water department in Lajtán, Szigetköz, the Danube bend, and the Danube section below Budapest.

István Láng drew attention to the fact that the monitoring service must be maintained even after the withdrawal of the price, because leaks and zealots develop in many places.

István Láng emphasized that after the ice flood in 1956, the defenses were strengthened in the section of the Danube below Budapest, but some settlements, such as Ercsi, Kisapostag or Báta, expanded towards the floodplain.

According to his statement, the local governments of the settlements of the Danube Bend have completed the construction of the protection works. At the same time, it is also very important to operate the monitoring service in that area after the price has been withdrawn, because 80 percent of the seepage and gushing waters occur after the peak.

István Láng emphasized that after the ice flood in 1956, the defenses were strengthened in the section of the Danube below Budapest, but some settlements, such as Ercsi, Kisapostag or Báta, expanded towards the floodplain.

This means that temporary defense lines must be built there as well, which are currently 60 percent complete.

The price wave peaks in Komárom on Friday, in Budapest on Saturday evening, and is expected to leave the country in the middle of next week, said István Láng. Zoltán Góra, head of the National Disaster Management Directorate, said that 991 firefighters in 51 settlements are participating in the defense.

Reassignments were carried out across the country. In the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron, the protection works determined by the water department have been completed, in the counties of Komárom-Esztergom and Pest, only minor strengthening works are ongoing. They are also present with great forces on Margit Island, said Zoltán Góra.

Answering a question, Bence Rétvári emphasized that the budget reimburses the defense costs of local governments from the force majeure framework, and that local governments can submit a claim for fifty percent of the costs in advance.


Cover photo: Viktor Orbán and Bence Rétvári explained the flood protection measures
Source: Facebook/Viktor Orbán