Trivializing the genocide in Volhynia was too much for Radoslaw Sikorski.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy got into a heated exchange with Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during Sikorski's recent visit to Kyiv, according to Polish news portal Onet.

According to the participants of the conversation, the atmosphere between Zelensky and Sikorsky was extremely tense, and could even be called a quarrel.

According to Onet's sources, Polish officials were at least surprised by the tone in which Zelenskiy tried to speak to the Polish foreign minister. At the beginning of the meeting, Zelenskiy immediately accused Poland of not supporting Ukraine in the EU accession negotiations. Sikorski replied that it took Poland a decade to join the EU and that the deadline proposed by Zelenskiy's office was unrealistic.

The Ukrainian president then stated that Warsaw should provide Ukraine with more military equipment and shoot down missiles and drones over Ukraine. Sikorski replied to this demand that it was impossible without NATO's decision.

Zelenskiy also accused Poland of inflating the issue of the Volhynia genocide for domestic political reasons, and said that this issue should not be raised in relations between the two countries.

Sikorksi called on Zelesznki to have Ukraine exhume the victims for a dignified reburial.

"At a certain point the atmosphere was so bad that you could call it a fight. The Lithuanian delegation did not even try to support the Polish minister," the article notes. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis was also present at the meeting.

Sikorski recently threatened Ukraine with "tougher measures" if it does not "find a solution" to the issue of the genocide in Volhynia.

He also called for the suspension of payments to Ukrainians living in Europe to encourage them to return home to fight in Ukraine.

Cover image: The Ukrainian-Polish meeting turned out to be a success
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