There are so many interesting things in the world that could be dealt with, Klára Dobrev is here again and throws the high ball. However, you don't leave it in the air as if it doesn't exist - Francesca Rivafinoli began her article in Sunday. hu portal.

It just so happened that the vice president of the European Parliament visited Balassagyarmat last week, when he should have been sitting in a meeting of the EP's employment and social affairs committee instead of a campaign tour. there is only one way out of the valley of mourning in Orbán: to pull the plug on Mrs. Klára, and then wait for heaven on earth with folded hands.

The whole thing is already a bit suspicious here, but then after returning home from the assembly, Apró's grandson even pours out his heart on Facebook, namely: " Young people in Balassagyarmat asked about what will happen to the students whose families had to choose during the epidemic whether to pay e the internet bills required for online education, or dinner on the table. I can't speak without emotion when I hear dozens of such stories."


The copywriter is tired, that's for sure. The story of the young pensioner who sadly stomped in front of the bananas in the Semlőhegy store was one better, because bananas actually cost money - the Internet use needed for digital education, on the other hand, was free. There is also a government decision about it, it would be really difficult to deny; but in addition, special free offers from mobile service providers are still available on the relevant pages. The crew could feel that they pushed this a bit too far, because the sad story was quietly replaced at a certain point in time, with the following corrected version: "I talked to young people in Balassagyarmat about how difficult it is for them to find a job as career starters after the epidemic, and they would rather go abroad to work. Just to have something. I can't speak without emotion when I hear dozens of such stories."

They probably started from the fact that the DK fan club did not get the news about the employment that was reaching a historical peak: even the unemployment rate of the mostly uneducated 15-24-year-olds did not exceed 14.7 percent during Covid, while in 2009 (the 2002 after a strong rise starting from ) casually reached 26.5 percent. This was not the biggest problem with the second version of Balassagyarmat's laments, but that keen commentators, referring to the editing history, began to wonder what justified the rewriting of the original story. Could it all have been a fabrication? But then what is the guarantee that the second story is true? Or is a third attempt expected? Maybe let's help put together a more believable tale as a community?

By then, Klára Dobrev got hold of herself and, following her proven method of "erasing the past completely", simply deleted the entire post. Now that things are starting to get awkward, he'd rather not even visit Balassagyarmat.

Francesca Rivafinoli's full article here .