With the exception of Hungary, wage increases have not kept pace with price increases in any developed country, they write.

The Polish newspaper RMF24 reported on a recent research, which shows that the purchasing power of Polish wages is decreasing. As written,

we are getting poorer, but not as fast as most of the western world.

You can buy less and less from the average Polish salary, but - according to the latest data from the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) - in other developed countries, the purchasing power of average salaries decreases even faster due to inflation".

They noted that the Poles defended themselves quite well against inflation, but only in our country did the price increase not eat up the wage increase. As they wrote, "Polish salaries are quite well protected against inflation. In all developed countries with the exception of Hungary, wage increases did not keep pace with price increases, but in most OECD countries inflation eats up the value of wages faster than in Poland."

"The Czechs lost the most, the Hungarians the least"

Source: OECD

Source: OECD

As written, Hungary is the exception in the Western world, because according to OECD research, the real value of wages has not decreased in our country. "Inflation in Hungary is even higher than in Poland, but wages grew twice as fast during the year as in our country," they wrote. According to the research, the other extreme is the Czech Republic, where the real value decreased the most.


Source: Mandarin

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