Ukraine may cease to exist and, after being plundered, be left in the misery of Africa. I don't want to be right, because the Ukrainian people have innocently suffered a lot until now, but unfortunately this is the way things are going - Gábor Tóth from talked to László Bogár, lecturer at the Károl Gáspár Reformed University. - We witnessed this.

In recent years, there have been constant wars in the world, but they mostly took place below the surface. said Bogár to a question. The imposition of the will on individual countries took much more complex forms: mainly trade and money were the weapons of these wars. But in February, a bloody war broke out that almost everyone thought was unthinkable in Europe. If we look at the reasons for this, we can see that this is not so surprising, since many breaking points have already appeared in the region. In my understanding, this war has at least four layers.

On the surface, there is undoubtedly a Russian-Ukrainian war, but underneath there is another, very important layer, where Russia and the Western world, primarily the American empire, are facing each other.

Acting as the aggressor in the war, Russia is fighting with the forces of a united West. If this were not the case, Ukraine would have collapsed and capitulated a long time ago in terms of its resources.

This is actually a third world war. If we look at an even deeper layer of phenomena, we can see that the same thing is repeating itself as in the First and Second World Wars.

And the fourth layer is none other than the one where the West and the Non-Western world collide.

The American empire expected that the whole world would support it in the war that broke out between Russia and Ukraine, but it did not happen that way. At the G20 meeting in Indonesia, the world outside the West made it clear that it would not line up behind the United States of America.

Let's not forget that this is the world outside the West, 85 percent of the world's population. It consists of states like India, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, etc. In other words, we leave the old year with many more conflicts than were resolved. And in the case of Ukraine, I feel that there is really no question of any kind of reconstruction.

The Ukrainian leadership is fantasizing about the thousand-billion-dollar recovery, all this, in my view, is just a false and baseless media narrative, nothing will come of it.


Featured image: György T. Szántó/Demokrata