The opposition katyvaz finally has a slogan and a uniform. Now everything is on track, nothing more is needed. It's a sure win, not even controversial.

It is true that there is no common program, and everyone who cares about their wallets runs away in fear of what there is. Because it is not particularly tempting to end the reduction in utilities, abolishing the minimum wage, the attack on pensioners' benefits, the idea of ​​handing over community centers and other health care institutions, the great promise of letting world market prices down our necks, or even the bankruptcy of migrants, the plan to allow gay marriage, is not very encouraging, is it? and, of course, neither the forced conception of the release of LGBTQ activists for our children and grandchildren. All of this does not establish the hope of an opposition victory, so it cannot be ennobled as a program.

By the way, the alleged (because nothing is certain) candidate for prime minister could boldly start the "most terrible ideas" competition, moreover, everything he imagines is based either on lies or on serving the globalists - that is, on betraying the electorate.

According to him, the overhead reduction is disgusting. At least in its current form. But what other form could it take? Let's say an overhead increase? It is undoubtedly a different form and even a different content. This is foreshadowed by another of his much-proclaimed statements, according to which consumers must feel the increase in energy prices on the world market, only then can they be persuaded to save. Let's heat, light and use less electricity!

Mr. Márki, who is the cattle that consumes more electricity, gas, and fuel because the price is not world market? It is still expensive for most of us, even though it is not world market. It must be a real idiot to believe that it is good to shiver by candlelight without heating. And he believes that anyone should be forced to be thrifty. Of course, if it is not 20, but only 15 degrees in the apartment, the consumption is really lower. But if we follow this logic, we might as well not heat it. With three or four coats - and a few pneumonias - we could even get through the winter if it's not very cold. Who doesn't even need a fur coat...

This rational being also started the pension correction, increase and premium. He doesn't sting the elders very much, he certainly wouldn't have given them anything, that money would have come in handy for the active workers... A real exploitative mentality. Those who can still squeeze work performance are important, those who are already inactive, chew dry bread and drink water , they are no longer important. A nasty but disgusting message!

According to Márki-Zay, the hospitals and other medical institutions should be sold, because only privatization ensures high-level care. That is, for him and the millionaire few. The private service provider wants to make a profit (rightfully so), so it is much more expensive than the current state and local government providers. There will be (if God forbid, he would come to power) community centers for the poor and expensive private hospitals. We see the US system, thanks, but we don't ask for it.

This guy doesn't like minimum wage either. And it doesn't bother him that if there isn't one, the very nice multis, known for their philanthropy, would immediately push the wages down the frog's backside. According to him, the market is also self-regulating in terms of wages, and competition will bring about the desired balance. If he is serious about this, that alone is enough to say that this man is incompetent and has no idea about reality. True, he is not paid according to the rules of the average domestic salary...

According to Zay, migration is not dangerous, he has never seen a migrant who hurt someone. It seems that he has no idea about the use of the Internet, because then he would have seen a lot of burnt-down neighborhoods, rampaging Islamists, terrorist attacks, violent immigrants attacking women and children. The fact that only one such case occurred in our country (because it did!) is due to the government's policy of rejecting migration.

Márki also supports gay marriage, which makes his much-talked-about Christianity very doubtful. The biblical teachings are clear, even Pope Francis, who is often quoted by them, confirmed this: marriage is a bond between a man and a woman. Period! Nowhere does the Holy Scriptures mention that this is also true for same-sex couples.

Márki-Zay also has a problem with the Child Protection Act, i.e. he does not want to protect children from pedophiles, on the contrary, he would allow LGBTQ propagandists to harm our children and grandchildren already in kindergarten. Of course, what do we expect from a figure who beats his own children?

So here is the real globalist government program, the opposite of everything that the current government and the normal citizens who support it (in many respects also the opposition voters) want. It is true that the opposition supporting Márki-Zay tries to cover up these statements with loud promises, but we already know their program. Gyurcsány and his gang have already presented: increasing overheads, selling everything they can, tearing down the border fence (not sure if it's physical, but who cares about the fence if the gates are open in the meantime?), supporting the LGBTQ movement and demolishing the traditional family model.

Would this be the brave new world? Keep it for yourself!